2018 Cruise



Blast, I suffer pretty much daily from what you speak of. I'd say you are correct in your diagnosis. The prob. usually isn't the pinched nerve. That will generally reduce inflammation and dissipate. The real problem is the muscles around that spasm'd up to a rock. Sometimes deep within the muscle groups causing deep pain. It usually doesn't feel muscular. Look for sports massage. At $80 to $100 a clip its steep so beg your girl.. My wife has become a master or I could not do what I do... 




There are two sports massage therapists at the gym; one a hot little woman, the other is a big ass dude who works primarily on ifbb folks. The latter is probably the best choice ($120-$150 a session tho, might be worth it, just got a $7 an hour raise so... maybe). The female is $120 for 1.5 hour session, my friend swears by her, but he has the hots for her, shit, who wouldn’t? Lol.

My gf doesn’t have the strength to get through all the meat in my neck. 





I'd go with the woman for many reasons. 1- The obvious, 2- You really don't need that much pressure, more time spent in the specific area is more important. That and identifying the affected area. The pain can be in your shoulder but the knot Mid back, Rear delts, romboids, Its a bitch and you wont get away with 1 or 2 treatments.. Heating pad... Aleve 600mgs x2 a day for a week. The doc. would give you 600mgs of Naproxen for muscle relaxer.. Take some time off Blast...




Its really difficult for me to take time off for some reason, though I have reduced training to 4 days. Still haven’t seen a massage therapist, I’m working 6 days a week... man I’m exhausted!




On another note, the summer has been pretty fantastic, new job plus a fat raise, training has been pretty good except for the nerve thing, which seems to be slowly receding into the background, not to say its fixed, just not as uncomfortable. I met a new dude at the gym recently who used to compete, and he has been a great resource and an inspiration to say the least. He has given me some solid advice on preparing for the next cycle, and posing; not much on the latter yet, but its a start. Today I found time to finally purchase all of my AI, caber, and other orals for the upcoming cycle, next is the gear, which will happen soon. First, I have to make the final adjustments, while planning for possible changes as the cycle progresses.  Will be getting bloods done in August (hopefully I can get my friend to do the same, like pulling teeth sometimes; he's going to be running a similar cycle with slightly different goals in mind, and a different diet, i.e., not too clean lol).

I managed to keep fat gain at bay for the duration thus far, scale weight has been fairly steady, floating between 208 and 211, I noticed how much an increase in sodium makes a difference. I ran the rack two days ago, it had been awhile, and man what session. A 1 1/4" pump, not bad. Started at 70, went to 5 and was damn near dead when I got to 65 again. I did all I could to do a rest pause on that set but nearly dropped the dumb bells out of utter exhaustion. Needless to say, I am still a bit sore today. I have been incorporating the RTR concept to a few exercises insofar as I start low, get to a high point and go back the starting weight with barely a rest. I rep until I have roughly tow reps in the tank, then move to the next set. Great for chest with dumb bell presses. I do the same with leg press and superset calf raises from 630 to 810, while increasing by 90 till the machine can't fit anymore plates, about 1350. Then I come back down again, and when I hit 720, calf raises start up again. I go all the way down to 225, but when I hit 270, I do side lying singles and superset the calves to near failure. Kicks my ass every time especially the next day going up and down stairs and ladders all damn day. 

Been messing around with music choices, and seeing how the music effects my training. If I'm a little burnt, Napalm Death or Goatwhore works great. Sometimes I listen to some upbeat house/techno which works great for abs for some reason. Then I discovered some music out of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, a mixture of old traditional pagan/folk music and black metal, this music seems good for slow eccentric and for holding contractions (the word escapes me at the moment, isotonic maybe??) Myrkur is one of them, Wardruna is another. I find it interesting how much music effects the mind and how I can use it to effectuate training sessions, and my focus. The Scandinavian stuff launches me into a whole new world, a real trip, things start looking different, almost unreal, like vapor perhaps.

Hope everyone is having a cool and groovy summer :)





Love the info thanks. Espeically that testing of music with different exercises.  Glad the new job is going great. Keep up the great work.
