Anavar only bulk cycle (is it worth it?)


New member
Hi all, seasons greetings!

Quick background on me, after a lot of careful thought and research I embarked on a 6 week anavar (oxandrolone) + proviron (mesterelone) + test e cycle 6 months ago whilst cutting, test was continued for 2 weeks after. I was taking 50mg a day (split tab up in 2 to maximise half life). Did a PCT after blood and test levels are all back to normal, the results were crazy, on a cut I was still gaining strength and size whilst losing bodyfat, came down from 96kg to about 81kg and BF went from 26% to about 14%, so was very happy with the results. The only negative was that I did get a little bit of acne on my shoulders and back which has caused scarring.

My first questions was a good friend of mine suggested the acne was caused due to oestrogen levels being high and that if managed earlier (using rimidex or another AI) that i could've managed the acne bit better. He also said that if I wasn't pinning regularly at the same day same time that it would also cause hormonal fluctuations that could also be the trigger to acne, I was wanting to know if this was true.

This was the main reason I was considering just going on an Anavar only cycle (stacked with proviron again) as I was wanting to just minimise the acne that test caused. I am about to embark on a bulk so really excited to see what the results are on this cycle. I'm not after crazy gains and I know anavar, albeit expensive, is a very safe steroid to use and I wasn't looking to go any heavier, I know the gains won't be super crazy but enough to make a difference and post cycle it's very manageable to minimise the loss of muscle. Is this worth it or am I better off just doing the same cycle i did previously but making sure i pin on the same days and times and manage my E levels better as i know test will also help with gains massively.

My last question was is there any recommended providers this forum would recommend in terms of getting hold of anavar/proviron/test e. A friend of mine got me in touch with someone who said CENSORED, but i'm unsure about the legitimacy of these and would rather take the advice off of ppl who have had more experience with access.

So basically worried about acne and how to manage it and what caused it on my first cycle, is anavar only cycle (50mg going upto 75/100 after week 3) worth doing for gains on a bulk or should i be stacking with test and is there any recommended retailer in terms of access.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. This community really helped me on my first cycle so i really appreciate anything!
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Well-known member
Acne is part and parcel of using steroids im afraid. Salicylic acid body wash and benzoyl peroxide ointment can help. Some people use accutane and swear by it. I've heard stories from medical professionals about accutane changing features over time so I avoid it, my acne is usually contained to my back where I dgaf about it.

For enthanate time of day won't matter so much but pinning on same day will reduce fluctuations.

An oral only cycle is a shit idea. Especially so on anavar cause it won't aromatise into estrogen, leaving you feeling lower than a dingos dongo.


New member
I hear you both, just gotta accept it and just do what I can to minimise it.

Some ppl suggested taking rimidex from week 2 of pinning others suggested not to as it lowers e levels, I opted for the latter and noticed once I upped my test dosage towards end of cycle that’s when I broke out much much more


Well-known member
Using arimadex/anastrozole/aromasin doesn't follow a plan so much as gets used when needed.

People have different conversion rates and sensitivities so there's no guidelines like with test. Don't use one until nipple itches or overly emotional, use at little as possible and wait 3-4 days and reassess. If taking the same dose makes you feel tired and ache you need to space out dose, more or use less.

I find the less products I use on my skin the better. Once I break out I have to use medicated wash, but usually I just use water and usually my skin is fine. My skins been terrible since I had a Spa day with mud treatment and all that shabang. Got to point of just washing with hot water, then closing pores with cold water and towelling off and I'm almost clear again.

Are spots worth being the 1%?



New member
All noted! Appreciate the advice from all. Really looking forward to seeing what gains I can make.

Plan is 50mg of anavar for first two weeks (would you recommend splitting a tab to take over a day? Or does it matter) going up to 75mg then 100mg if it’s something I can handle.

Test e .5ml twice a week. (Rimidex on hand .5g on pin days if and when needed)

I also have mesterelone as was advised to take this daily as this helps with test levels and has a great androgenic factor. (However some advise against this, any thoughts?)

Organ and liver support to be taken daily too.

It’s weird because there’s a lot of things saying too much estrogen is bad, but you don’t want to restrict it as it helps build muscle mass. So which is it? Or is it a case of making sure everything is balanced.

With acne I think ppl are right, it’s one of those things, that comes and goes, once I finished my first cycle it completely cleared up, just left scarring which with the right treatment will eventually fade. And tbf I know with a cleaner diet and better hygiene I can limit it to a degree.

I’m all set and ready to go from tomrorow!

Well-known member
(would you recommend splitting a tab to take over a day?
yes, because Anavar has short half life, so splitting daily dosage would keep stable levels
100mg if it’s something I can handle.
that's a large dosage
Test e .5ml twice a week.
what's test e concentration? 1 ml per week could be 200 mg, or it could be 500 mg
I also have mesterelone as was advised to take this daily as this helps with test levels and has a great androgenic factor. (However some advise against this, any thoughts?)
you never know until you give it a try.
It’s weird because there’s a lot of things saying too much estrogen is bad, but you don’t want to restrict it as it helps build muscle mass. So which is it? Or is it a case of making sure everything is balanced.
exactly. you need to keep it in balance. too much estrogen causes gyno. not enough estrogen won't allow you to build muscle and get stronger.


New member
yes, because Anavar has short half life, so splitting daily dosage would keep stable levels

that's a large dosage

what's test e concentration? 1 ml per week could be 200 mg, or it could be 500 mg

you never know until you give it a try.

exactly. you need to keep it in balance. too much estrogen causes gyno. not enough estrogen won't allow you to build muscle and get stronger.
300mg test e. I get you! Splitting it keeps it in the system constantly. First day, always feel nervous pinning but was very easy and smooth.