At what point-Lifting Belts




When do you feel they are truly required.Honestly I see people where it as more of a fashion statement it's pretty lame. I mean you see some using a belt

to do 25 lb side laterals or a 135 row or a 225 deadlift it makes me wonder are they just misinformed, trying to look like a "serious lifter" Or is there core just made of jello and they will bust faster than a water balloon without a belt lol. I've never used one roughly I can barbell row for around 365, bench 375 ish , deadlift don't really do but high 4's maybe low 5's and after my leg injury in both legs I can pause squat ass touching the floor 365 for reps pause.Anyways not a power lifter so i know my numbers are not mind blowing, but no belt needed my core has strengthend progressively with me when do you think it's time to put on a belt and what are your reasons for it.




Me personally I try my best not to look at others and judge what they do in the gym. The beauty of the gym is everyone is there trying to better themselves. Some of us are more dedicated to how we go about it. Everyone has various reasons for why and how they train. As long as they're happy with themselves isn't that ultimately the goal. I know I don't train to please others,  but just to please myself.

The other equation is when you stand at a distance and observe and judge someone you don't really know their story. Maybe they have a bulged disc in their back and need that belt to row 135. Maybe they've had a hernia surgery or two, and need that belt to keep their guts on the right side of their abdominal wall.

My answer to your question is 80% or more of your 1 rep max needs to be belted. Why? Because that's what I was instructed to do by a world class powerlifter, and I figured he might know a thing or two.



Well-known member

When I was a young pup like you I went out of my way to point out what I perceived was the weaknesses in others and I also ridiculed them just like you are doing when I saw them doing something that I perceived to be incorrect or ridiculous. Fortunately time, life experience and a little bit of grace has taught me that anyone attempting to improve themselves no matter how ridiculous it may seem deserves the benefit of doubt. True leadership does not focus on the negative actions of others. A true leader finds a way to inspire others to become better than they are and corrects in correct actions through example.

I personally do not use a weight belt. I see no need for it in my training. If I do see someone doing something I perceive to be improper I go out of my way to develop a relationship with that individual with the goal to inspire them to be better..... the positive promotion of the sport goes a lot further than destructive criticism.





Well-known member

Outstanding mindset. +3

looks like you have been around the mountain a few times yourself. ;)






can come as judgmental, and it is. To he specific it was more geared towards millenials and there are people who have an injury backstory. I'm sure with age my

mindset will change but to be honest the gym crowd has really irritated me over the last year or so.A daily asking of if I'm natural before even a hello,the slob selfish behavior I see from most gym goers I guess maybe it's just my area.It makes my desire to create my own gym grow,it's the egos and all the bullshit that comes with it, that has given me a tilted look into the window,and sadly it's my generation and younger that have drove it. So yes do I judge yes I do I am human and it is easy to say that one does not partake in that it's almost like when someone says they don't lie they are lying right there it's bred into human DNA judging and observing is weaved into the brain as a survival mechanism.Anyways rant over, I know every few years the mind develops new ideas and concepts so I'm sure with age my perceptions will change, on my idea of belts I believe   That you should train and slowly progress learn to strengthen your core build  solid foundation o think they are incorporated way too early in many individuals lifting career and I guess I should have disclaimerd that I was not including people who are injured or in a older crowd I was trying  paint a picture of someone considered fit with no physical ailments



New member

I, for example, am a 100% disabled vet. I had a near crippling back injury at the end of 2013. almost ended up paralyzed. I had a three level lumbar spinal fusion with the cage, rods, bolts...the works. Some excercises I absolutely must wear a belt. I can't even do full deads anymore. I have to settle for rackpulls simply because I can't get down all the way. I have managed somehow to work my way up to 545, which Im fairly happy with. Back doesn't really bother me with those. When I do barbell rows though, I can't even do 135 without having to ratchet my damn belt as tight as i can get it without turning blue. I can do way more than that, but I have to be supported big time. It's all relative brother, we all have different stories and none of us make it through life on the exact same path. A thumbs up or a "hell yeah bro" can make all the difference in the world to someone who's self conscious, discouraged or wondering if the effort is even worth it. I get your point, but support and maybe a little inspiration are about the best gifts we can pass along in this sport...




the last part of what you said I liked the whole thing but the last part especially



Well-known member

Rack pulls are not settling JD.... they are called adapting and overcoming in your specific case!






Me too... i wouldn't be here if I hadn't had inspiration & motivation that was given to me at times I needed it most!




That a weight belt has it's place in many training routines...mine included. Squats and DLs are the primary reason I utilize it. However, if I decided to do abs between sets of one of those, I'm not likely to remove my belt for the sake of a random FT who may think one way or another about the fact that I have my belt on during an ab workout. When I am training, I have zero time to worry about how I look to someone else. Sometimes I have on support braces on my wrists, knees, elbows and my belt in addition to gloves. Each serves a purpose for me to be able to complete my training session. My goals are bigger than the arthritis pain.

If you look up the history of and proper way to use a weight belt, I'm sure you would find very interesting information. ;-)




to injuries I have pinched nerves in my back as well as a bulging disk the. As we work our ways to both my knees I have been told I need surgery on them.The trade I am in is extreme injuries are a always looming factor.On my road to recovery for my knees I thought about knee sleeves but I imagined it would never fix the problem.So at first light leg extensions and other very light very easy moves were incorporated.Tramatic knee injuries will really cause muscle atrophy quite fast the pain I get just driving to work or home feels as tho I have a hot knife stuck inside both my knees.Anywas I worked my way into squatting, funny thing is injuries make you a complete stickler for form, wide stance squats pausing at the bottom was an excercise that truly helped me.Pausing at the very bottom for 3 seconds gets rid of all the momentum thus your knees are not being spring loaded and the actual load is pushed through your glutes aductors etc.I recently missed leg workouts for 2-3  weeks and the pain in My knees got worse becUse the muscles became dormant and the knees were taking the load of my daily insane activity.My bulged disk is from being folded in half and crushed by a steel gangform which would have killed me had it not landed on my partner next to me allowing me to roll out and lay motoion less on the ground.So I know injuries as well I'm forced to do what I do for a living in a lot of pain maybe that's why i guess I can push to extremes... because it's demanded when its 107 degrees im out there when it's raining I'm out there 8-10-12-17 hour days,it's the life I chose it built me I guess to see what true hard work is so empathize with people with Injuries what I have found is you find a way to strengthen yourself Injuries can make you one of the most skilled tactitians, if I would of used knee sleeves when that first thought came through I would of been confined to them. My advice to those who can train without is to do just that if is required theN do what is required, we all have different thresholds of pain.I do wear versa grips I figure my forearms are already 15inches cold I don't need to train my grip lol that gets trained 8+ m-friday
