Building Muscle


New member
Whats the best way to highlight/define and build on certain muscles? Some guys at the gym tell me supersets with low weights are the way to go, others say that low reps with high weights is best?? I`ve been doing a bit of both and want to see what others think/do to really bring out the best in their muscles. Biceps I`ve been going low reps high weights and it`s done wonders on my arms, but other parts aren`t gettain half the gains my arms did with using heavy w/low reps. Am I able to take advantage of both supersets and Lowreps.High weights?


New member
i've done all sort of experiments with this one...and personally i think its all about body composition...if u have excess fat, with decent muscle mass...u wont b as defined...if u have hardly any fat but hardly any mass...same principle... the way i see it u need the mass first ( Heavy weights, low reps) to get your muscles larger, then switch your routine up after you've gained enough mass( light weights, higher reps + crazy cardio(HIIT) to burn off extra fat


its mostly genetics bro....cardio and diet help clean up the look, high reps will help tighten muscles a little more, but this is mostly due to glycogen depletion, heavy weights and cardio allow you to maintain the mass/volume of a muscle for longer whilst getting least thats how i see it...

high reps for fat burning is myth really,HIT is the best way to milk the calories, ever notice how lean you can stay despiteall the food when you are powerlifting or strength training....


New member
YOu burn more calories the heavier you go. I would stay between6-10 reps to get big and to cut up. The heavier you go the harder your body works to lift, so the intensity is higher. There are studies that show you burn more calories lifting heavier and it's also common sense really when you think about it. To burn fat is all about training, diet and cardio. Reduce calories and/or up your cardio. Now ifyour 4-2 weeks out from a contest I'd go lighter and focus on flexing your muscles to make sure you don't get injured. Then I would go with some higher reps. Your energy could be pretty low because of the diet also.


New member
Great info From all 3 posts guys! Yea the diet is in check and the weight loss is helping, Raffy I`m finding what you mentioned where when doing lower reps with highwer weights I seem to plateau quicker! For my plan of action I think i`ll start hitting the specific muscles I want better size and shape a bit harder and more specific! Is it bad to hit 2 of the same muscle groups twice in one week? I want to build up my Delts and Shoulders more..So if I hit them on a monday and again on Thursday woudl this interfere with my recover and hinder muscle development? Or is this sufficient time to heal and then rip again? Thanks again guys, great info


New member
If you are plateauing, I'd change your exercises and reps. Do a couple of weeks of highwer reps to shock your muscles and then you can go back to 6-10 reps. It's fine to hit muscles twice a week if your diet is right like hunter7 said. Every 4th or 5th day is when I would do it to make sure you are fully recovered. It takes 48-72 hours for a muscle to fully recover. Make sure you are eating enough calories to rebuild though. If you are trying to get leaner I'd train each muscle group every 5-7th day. That's what I am doing while going for 3-4% bodyfat right now for my contest in 3 weeks.

You can also do chest and shoulders on one day and then hit shoulders again 4-5 days later. Play by ear with your recovery. If you are not sore anymore, wait another day before hitting that group again to make sure you don't overtrain.


New member
Ever consider pre-exhaustion technique for delts? IT really brought out the roundness and separation in my shoulders (pretty lean already). Do the isolation moves first such as side laterals, front raises, etc.. A great substitution sometimes for a phenominal burn is side cable laterals with a d ring from behind the back instesd of from the side with dumbells. Pause a couple inches form the top and then complete the motion. Pyramid up and then down in weight. After all the isolation moves are complete, when you do the presses the assisting muscles ( triceps, etc.) can"t take so much stress off the deltoids because they're semi burnt. Try this and see how your delts feel after a day or so. Also, I prefer to do rear delts and traps with back.


New member
Bump. That's agreat way to bring up your delts. I've done it and works great. Jay Cutler gave me the idea to do that.