Cardarine & Test


Hello folks. Havent posted in a while. Been keeping to my safe and true regiment of Test E cycles adding Deca every 3rd cycle... Was wondering if anyone has insight on a 12 week Test cycle with 8 weeks of Cardarine. Been lazy at the gym lately u know at 57 it gets pretty hard to keep going. From what I have read Cardarine is an energy booster but I cant find if there are any bad interactions with a Test E cycle. would appreciate any insight. John...

Well-known member
lots of people add cardarine with their test e cycles. there are no bad interactions.


Well-known member
No negative sides I know of... but SARMs... always have a small risk.
I've definitely done my fair share, but they haven't been around that long.
But... id say go for it brother

Well-known member
Just... don't use high dosages of Cardarine and don't use it for any longer than 8 or maximum 12 weeks!