Cheezy and his PCTeezy



I wasn't sure which of the 3 posts to reply to haha... Idk why it does that sometimes. 

But you are on point with the Vit D, a few years ago I found that out. I was so lethargic & Finally went & got bloods & my vitD was low. Took a script of VitD for a week then added extra in my diet & made a big difference.




 Here is a good article, on the " before PCT" side of the debate.




New member

 when I look at it simply its like this... HCG says "hey testes start producing again" and exogenous test says "he testes stop making testosterone"  so why would I add HCG when I am putting in exogenous test. If HCG stimulates LH production or rather mimics it then how could it not be beneficial during a suppressed state? Are people trying to say it interferes with the SERMS? So it may spike estro slightly, but not bad if you spread the shots out...idk why its so confusing online when you look all around. I think people dont use common sense but go off what they "think" is science but really just go off what some dude wrote on a website and then everybody just repeats the same info over and over again. BUT then again I am just some guy on a website too ;) hahahaha



New member

weight and strength is still the same as last post, the boys have dropped some and getting some better results in that area, dont think the T is back to any normal levels yet but on the rise. I did a few days of 150mg of clomid instead of 100 to give a little extra boost. Really stoked about my size but since I am now rolled into a bulking diet I am smoothing out lol. The abs are gradually fading  and not as many cuts, but I aint scared bc I know how to diet. See the only reason to be scared of a bulk is if you arent confident you can shred the bf%.
