Chicken and Rice Motherfuckers



I've been eating this way for a few months now, and have seen excellent results. It's a boring way to eat, so yes you've got to mix it up and be creative. I also eat 99/1 turkey as well. I'm excited to see what results it yeilds on my upcoming bulk. It was great for my last cut. 




I brush both sides of my chicken with olive oil then season before baking. The olive oil helps the chicken breast retain moisture. I bake at 450 for 30 min.



Well-known member

You can't out train a poor diet.... despite what many Tren users will tell you. Eventually our bodies readapt to the 'sins' of our past. Somebody said, "If you don't have the time to do it right the first time when will you find the time to do it right the second time."

Consistency and frequency are as important as 'what' to eat.



Big Nasty

New member

Yes Sir, Im a huge lemon pepper fan as well. It does equal the small changes especially when you eat the same thing over and over. I honestly still enjoy chicken and rice so long as I change up the flavorings often. 


Big Nasty

New member

Same here on the turkey Dolf. Every year post thanksgiving and Christmas I go turkey shopping as all the stores are marking them down. Ive been getting whole turkeys and turkey breast on average 1.50 to 1.98 lb. I stock up with a few. Thankful for a deep freezer. 


Big Nasty

New member

Much truth here SF. Im getting far better in frequency and consistency. It has really taken me a while to get into the habit of meal planning for life. Its a hassle for sure fitting it in the madness of life but Im learning short cuts, plus my son is now lifting with me and that lil shit has a hallow leg and endless appetite. He and I both put away a ton of chicken each week. Keeping Glad Tupperware and Purdue chicken in business... I keep the rice cooker, crockpot and baking pan out on the counter. No need to put them away. 


Big Nasty

New member

Absolutely blessed. He has really dug in with me. He is 14 and has been going with me now consistently for a year. He will train nearly as hard as I do. I love the fact that he has taken to the lifestyle and we get this personal time that we both enjoy. He has a serious drive and dedication. I have taken his body measurements and recorded his lifts and progress on a spreadsheet to show him the improvements he has made in a year which has really helped to keep him motivated. Being his first year he makes progress damn near every trip to the gym, the beauty of being young and full of natural testosterone.... However all the double amount of chicken and rice prep has dads wallet empty! LOL So long as he keeps going, I'll buy stock in Purdue and Tyson Chicken if I have too. 



New member

Thank you for this video. I was about to commit harry carry eating nothing but dry tuna and green beans out of a can for lunch everyday. It's Sunday, time to prep for the week. Now I will have lunches I can look forward to.




Tren is a guilty motherfucker for covering up many aas users crap diets, but once you cease the tren their crap diet continues and they lose the look. Like I's not how you look at the peak of your cycle, but how you look 2 months after your cycle.




Damn, that is awesome!  Just fucking awesome :)

Doubt that my daughter will do the gym thing, but we do mathematics together, its pretty cool. She's crushing it, and instead of doing random art projects at break time in class, she works on math problems on the chalk board. Nevertheless, i hope someday she'll join me at the gym!


Big Nasty

New member

LOL. Good stuff Blast, doing and being good at math will damn sure take you farther financially than lifting so let that girl do here thing! Wish I would have loved math as well and I might already be retired and drawing a fat fucking check while I sleep, eat and lift daily... My daughter will not go to the gym with me either and hates anything physical. She's my couch potato but a great girl, just on the lazy side. However she does deer hunt with me, thats our thing. She has killed many deer and has been hunting with me since she was 6yrs old. My sons the go getter and driven in everything he does. Funny how different and polar opposite they are. 


Big Nasty

New member

LOL. Good stuff Blast, doing and being good at math will damn sure take you farther financially than lifting so let that girl do here thing! Wish I would have loved math as well and I might already be retired and drawing a fat fucking check while I sleep, eat and lift daily... My daughter will not go to the gym with me either and hates anything physical. She's my couch potato but a great girl, just on the lazy side. However she does deer hunt with me, thats our thing. She has killed many deer and has been hunting with me since she was 6yrs old. My sons the go getter and driven in everything he does. Funny how different and polar opposite they are. 




My daughter is all about dance. Tap is her thing at the moment, along with 2 jazz classes, a hip-hop and ballet class, an two tap classes, guees she's doing pretty good with that. Maybe when she's older she'll lift, i hope. But, I'm cool if she doesn't. Everyone has their thing that brings them joy :)

(At some point, I would like to take the little mrs out hunting.  Little difficult living in an urban area, tho)



Well-known member

I really like his cable curl insights and his chest hand placement. So many angles we can utilize to hit the muscle in a new way.






A lit of good insight. I've been working to turn my shitty upper chest into what's now a decent upper chest. The only spot lagging behind is the very most inner part of my upper chest. Gonna use his hand placement techniques to work on that.
