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yeah its fake... anyone who has taken real clen knows u feel it RIGHT AWAY....and it can go bad if u dose it to high... anything over 40mcg i get tremors
yeah its fake... anyone who has taken real clen knows u feel it RIGHT AWAY....and it can go bad if u dose it to high... anything over 40mcg i get tremors
yeah its fake... anyone who has taken real clen knows u feel it RIGHT AWAY....and it can go bad if u dose it to high... anything over 40mcg i get tremors comes first. 17% is not bad, if you're heart is set on using Clen then I say try it. I have used Clen twice with horrible outcome. I'm a drug addict and Clen fucks me up worst than opioid withdrawal. First time I used Clen at 20mics I could NOT concentrate or do anything other than shake and sweat. Second time at 10mics tapering up t'was the same. I now use that eca with great success. I say use the Clen but start small then build up. If it's more than you can handle then try something that will work for you. The only way I've gotten to know my body is by trial and error. Good luck man, remember to let us know your experience because you are not the only one who's going through this.
Yeah Clen sides for me a
crippling I will not use any more when you say Eca stack worked well how well my friend
I wouldnt risk clen , aas are bad enough
I did almost a full month of ECA March 2014 with a starting weight of 192lbs around 13-14% BF and lost 12.8lbs. I did not measure my BF at the end because I injured my ankle during MMA practice and was completely out for 3 weeks. During those 3 weeks I lost about 6lbs of muscle. I didn't get fatter but I wasn't able to workout, eat proper, and the meds made me lazy but during that month I was able to go from slightly seeing my abs to being able to run my pinky finger through my upper and lower abs. I have good obliques from training but I had a small amount of fat on just the left and right sides around where the belt went, after the injury I noticed that my belt went down 2 notches. I had no jitters, loss of appetite, or insomnia. I have used ephedrine by itself before and I did get nauseous and jitters.
Well I hear you bro.
I don't know, since I've been stuck for a long time with 99 kgs after dropped to the 99 from 133...that's the only thing that might help .
The diet is correct, the training routine and cardio is completely fine, I am the guy that like to know everything so I've been researching the nutrition and the workouts very well. Not saying that I'm a professor (far far away )but I do know , that's for sure.
Even at my 19 after 36% bf that I had half a year ago, I still don't like what I see in the mirror and to change that drastically I suppose there is no other way beside pharma...
I personally really like clen, especially combined with T3. Obviously when using T3 its important to use some test to retain muscle mass.
I run clen 2 weeks on then 2 weeks off with T3 straight through. First week of clen at 40mcg, then up to 80mcg for the second week. T3 at a constant 50mcg.
Nice clean diet is the key, eat under maintenance calories and you will lose fat anyway, this just helps speed the process up. Just watch out for rebound when dropping the T3 tho, slowly build cals back up after finishing the T3 over 2 to 3 weeks.
I do sometimes run clen on its own also when im not on cycle. Just be careful with it, avoid alcohol and you should be good.
Hope that helps.
make an intro brother, so we can get to know ya. Good reply by the way, +1
Thanks guys!
A new questions
will it be enough to stop taking clen and t4. 2 days before a blood test in order to get an accurate results?
and, I've been taking clen and t4 (l thyroxine ) for 12 days now, if ill stop from tomorrow and then after 2 weeks will run it again, can i run it with l thyroxine again, or just by itself?
You crack me up I wanna be the next Guinea pig
I was always under the impression that DMSO absorbtion rates are not very high...maybe 60%ish? This is why it is rarely used, and test cremes are somewhat inneffective and sporadic. It is an old assumption that was discussed years ago, so things may have changed.