Could Arimixyl cause wrist pain




I do hope its

known to most here that tren raises prolactin no matter your estrogen it has its own mechanism, and high tren low test is acrually a

new thing,I have tried  tboth and higher test works better in my experience , and it would

ne nice if all the vets her that tell everyone to get their

pre mid and post blood work to post up their lab work and lead by example because out of all the beta maybe : have posted up lab work, and I am talking a full blood pane since it's preached about being healthy otherwise it wpuld appear that those are just parrroted words that they themswlves don't follow thousand gear pics not one shred of lab work but a thousand sentences from one person saying you need blood work. We'll post up and educate through example otherwise they are just words parroted site to site. Thanks for the welcome and your explanation 



Well-known member

Gandhi said that we need to be the change we want to see in the world. If you wish to see change the move forward brother. Post those labs, personal experiences and pics. You will receive my 100% full support. Be careful though disregarding shared experience and/or advice from someone who doesn't follow your example. We each choose to participate in a way that we deem appropriat. Good or bad it is what it is..... I have received a great amount of knowledge and information those many would consider way less experienced than myself.

Bottom line..... MG is a information resource. I have chosen to accept it as it is and not attempt to judge it based on its weaknesses. I rather chose to exploit its strengths and add to that as I can.

Great to have your personal views here brother and hope that you and the rest of the members can benefit from your participation.





Well-known member

X2 and +3 Dolf.

One point that stuck out is that the badge means absolutely nothing.... every single person has something to share that can benefit the other members. Some of us have simply been here longer or have a lot more free time on our hands. 

If I am a muscle guru than Rangers are actually tougher than a front line Marine.... we all know that could NEVER happen. ;)






I've talked to SEALS, SF, and Force Recons. All that have been through Ranger school will tell you it was the hardest school. That one SEAL told me it was 72 days of Hell Week. They hold a best Ranger competition every year. Ever see a best Marine comp? Although there are very few Marines that sport a Ranger Tab they have won the comp a time or two. Just pure luck if you ask me ; ) lol




The hardest part of Ranger school for a Marine is sporting that Army Ranger tab :) LOL. JK bro!

I have a story you might find amusing. I was stationed at an Army base @ Red Stone Arsenal, Ala where I was at MOS training for an Ammo Tech. The Army guys were notorious for doing pt much later than us. The Base Marine Sgt would make sure we were out no later than 0600 & we'd run that base singing Marine Corps cadence as loud as we could. The main male Army barracks was at the foot of a large red clay mountain we'd sometimes run. When we got to the top we'd sing special cadences & they would echo down the middle of that building that housed barracks on each side hahahaha ...

Jarheads are entertained easy :)



Well-known member

The training is pure hell and you wear the name well. I wonder if the "unofficial " training that is only rumored about is any tougher? ;)

Anyone that wears a Ranger badge deserve the respect of anyone and everyone!






All the guys who had tabs would always tell a joke. How many Rangers does it take to screw in a light bulb? 4. 1 to do it, and 3 to tell you how much harder it was when they had to do it. 




Our first formation for pt was always 0600hrs.

When I was in Korea we did something similar. Before a field op our battalion commander would hold first formation at 0400. We would run pt in a battalion formation and run through our oppositions barracks from the first floor to the third floor singing cadence. It was awesome.

He was an old school type guy. Allowed us 2 beers per night in the field. Of course the only beers we counted were the first and last one. He said if we got into fights out in town as long as we had our battle buddy with us we wouldn't get in trouble. When got back from a field op he used to tell us to go out on the town that night and pop a tanker or artillery guy in the mouth. Guy was a fucking nut.



Well-known member

Scientifically incorrect.

Anadrol is a 17a-methylated derivative of DHT. It is not a 19-nor. The confusion might come from the misunderstanding of the steroid profile makeups and potential common side effects. 19-nor's are derivatives of testosterone not DHT. As you can see from this new understanding that it is scientifically impossible for anadrol to be classified with the 19-nortestosterone group.


