Cyce preparation


Well-known member

As they say, Bodybuilding is a lifestyle... It is not for the faint of heart. And along with the muscle, there has to be brains because to put something together like you plan on doing take Brains,Time,Dedication,Money, And a good person or persons to help you along the way! Its a long road, and to walk it alone is nearly impossible. Believe me when i tell you I have not only been there, BUT I AM THERE EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE!!!  I have recently decided, along with the family and training coaches and Medical Doctors and GOD ,    That I will start my training to go for  MR. OLYMPIA I really think i have a shot it  with more work and complete dedication! Good Luck Blast, I hope your dreams come true and you can achieve your goals!!! God Bless!!!




That's fantastic BG!!!  Just going for Mr. Olympia is HUGE...I am so excited for you!  Good luck and keep us abreast of your progress.

And personally, let me know if there is anything I can ever do to be of help. 

Now, go win that sucker!



Well-known member
this cycle made me jizz my pants. i cant wait to do cycles like this. ive been running for 8 years and still feel im only intermediate when it comes to running long cycles. i know this was a long time ago but wish i could see pics of what you looked like at contest