Does pinning location matter


New member

Yeah man probably a full syringe of oil and hormones hahahaa I know I know,  you are thinking like piece of stopper or something.  I would think that would cause inflammation or something making it sore until the piece was removed but maybe not. Some people live with bullets lodged in them...  I dunno man. Sometimes I just want to smash it with a baseball bat and see if that breaks it up Lol. 




I was thinking along the lines of an over used worn out filter particle. Sometimes a foreign object can get in the body, and just get surrounded and isolsted by the immune system without causing a harsh reaction of puss and fever.



New member

Actually pinning locations do matter, it has been measured that higher blood syrum levels result from gluteal injections rather than deltoids . Those were the only two muscles I saw compared, but the bottom line was glutes did yield more for some reason. Thats not a reason not to rotate locations though, measurable amouts by science are probably undetectable by us in normal circumstances.



New member

NOT steroids, but still an interesting example of varying effects from one injection site to another. In fact for this particular drug it seems the overal preference was deltoids, but I believe thats for a different purpose.  None the less an example of what we were discussing.

  I will try to find the graph showing higher blood levels using nandrolone injected in the butt tocks , it was years ago I came accross it but might be able to dig it up.



New member

Well again for the purpose of arguments sake it matters, but in all practicality with our uses I doubt its anything we need to worry about, but I will tell you I favor the glutes when on an infrequent low cruise dose.
