

New member

im just looking into eq as a second cycle to cut later in year and was curious reading up on it that it can be a problem as makes you have more of an appetite ,also that it should be run for minimum of 12 weeks and 20 is not uncommon as the ester is very long.ive also read that as the ester long you can inject it once aweek but splitting the dose helps blood levels,it will shut you down and this is where i was focusing ,you have to run test obviously but tren was mentioned works amazing with it but im not ready for that,so how would 300mg test per week 500mg eq per week splitting the pinning up in the week sun and thurs,with ai on hand ,full pct nolva clomid,would running them both for 16 weeks be ok and would test cyp be ok or am i missing something out ,your help would be very welcome gents.



New member
Im just planning at the moment ,id obviously be in calorie deficit and up cardio ,eg is a slow gainer and protects muscle loss in deficit ,ive been reading that book i mentioned but it doesnt state a test dose with eg just a great cutting stack eg,mast,tren,winny ,that sound way to much for cutting stack 2nd cycle



Sun/wed should be your pinning for these. I would view this type cycle as more of a bulking cycle. Eq will definitely make you get your eat on. I seem to stay hungry midway through my eq cycle right now. I would also up your doses of each compound. Eq is rather mild and can be run at high doses. I'm currently running 750mg per week of test and eq. 500 test and at least 600 eq would be my suggestion. I've eaten relatively clean on this cycle and have added muscle and cut a bit of fat from my mid section.



New member
Nice new photo dolf,not great cutting with eq then dolf mmm ,would you have a compound you suggest ,low water weight attracted me to eq over deca and the fact it gives slow build up of muscle which easier to keep after pct


New member
I suppose in theory all aas preserve muscle tissue when on deficit so in theory you can cut on test?,tren must be number1 for cutting,also mast,primo and winny,mast on paper is not considered that anobolic on its stats but bonds roughly 5 times stronger than test to the androgen recepter making it very good for lean mass ,is this correct gents ,it also does not aromatise



I just think it would be too hard to stay in a calorie deficit when that eq kicks in. I did a trt/natty cut before this eq cycle. I've been eating pretty clean and have lost midsection bf and have added muscle. However it would be impossible for me to calorie deficit right now. 




Mast works best for cutting if you already have a low bf%




Prop/npp/winny and a caloric deficit. You'd look like a Roman god :) a cycle like this, calorie deficit, and some intense crossfit would do it.



New member

I know some guys will disagree, but for me EQ has always sort of been a " lame horse"  , or a tertiary compound if you will. I would not have high expectations on a cycle based solely upon test/EQ




I'm not gonna lie stand. I had to look up the definition of tertiary. The 3rd order or the third horse...sounds like the Bill O'Reilly word of the day lol



New member

What i suggest and what I am doing at the time is test e, EQ. I'm running Dbol as a kicker. So it looks like this. 

Test e 500mg EW mon/thurs split 1-20

EQ 600mg EW mon/thurs split1-18

dbol 50mg ED 1-4

you want to run your test two weeks longer than EQ because the undecylenate ester attached to the EQ has a very long half life. Now you can shorten the length of the cycle by frontloading the EQ but I wouldn't recommend front loading both compounds just EQ. 

ant some ppl will say you need to run your EQ at a much higher dose but that's bulshit. It may apply to them but maybe not to you. It being your first run with that compound you want to start small and adjust til you find YOUR sweet spot. Remember less is more In a lot of cases.  

Oh and whether its Sun/wed or mon/thurs it's all the same. Count the number of day between Sun/Wed, then do the same for Mon/Thurs. Pretty easy to figure out. It's really the same thing. Just whatever works easier for you as long as you stay consistent between sun/wed or mon/thurs. You going to have an extra day with both unless you pin in the evening one day and morning the other. I will tell you that it is not going to make a difference. 

As far as an AI I generally use Aromasin bc that works best for me. Typically I run 7.5mg EOD around week 2 is when I'll start. Been using AAS since 2007 so I know what my body reacts beat to and at which dosage. I switched from Adex bc of the fact that asin helps combat SHBG to aid in more free testosterone. Also there's no chance of estrogen rebound with asin. This cycle could be very beneficial for a novice in my opinion. For me it's just a maintenance cycle. Also remember that you have to have a whole lot of damn patience with EQ you won't start seeing and feeling effects until well around the 8th week or possibly even longer. 

watch your BP bc it will make it sky rocket due to the production of a lot more RBC's. I recommend donating blood about midway thru your cycle. And keep an eye on your BP daily. Go buy a little BP monitor to keep with you throughout the day. 




New member
Many thanks for updates gents alot to chew over,nice avatar deadpool,wish we all could look like super heros lol



rbc will run high on eq just ran a 16 week. Cycle bp got a little. High for me can't see a calorie deficit either I was not starving but I had to eat many times a day to keep it at bay didn't lose weight but lost a lot of body fat veins went crazy  I will call bs on the bs lol my first cycle I ran 600 mg and seen some gains my last cycle I started at 750 and went to 900 and seen twice the results so more is better but u have to listen to your body on that one  gonna run npp and test to bulk a little then imma ride eq again before summer and cut only prob i had was I got a little anxious at the end I have read that eq strips your gaba receptors  so maybe get some taurine you may not be as wirey as me 



New member

I hate both those guys but you mean Dennis somebody not olearly.  God I hate that lying sack o shit but that ex comedian from SNL is the one who uses words like that.  Dennis Miller that's it !!!

And WTF ! Fuck my opinion Im just plain old correct on the use of EQ so for that alone I get a point, but tertiary ?  Sheeet that's worth one too !!! LOL




I'd give a +5 for that word if I could :) those type words are just too much for a simple redneck boy like me. If not for google I'd be fucked...lol hell I can only count to 21 if I'm naked.



New member

very interesting,in order for alot of the so called cutting aas you have to have bf very low in the first place hence diet can only help there,so as aas basically and i use that word liberally ,will maintain muscle on calorie deficit couldnt you you just test to cut as ive read you can use any aas to cut or bulk its personal choice and diet determines which look your after,does that make any sense?




Stand is way more qualified to talk about this but hgh is something that might give you what you're wanting. 



New member
Isnt that taking it to a whole new level dolf,im finding the test cyp great just curious with my questions ,id even give the test cyp another crack at higher dose on its own ,maybe?,alot to think about ,i just like to plan way in advance