First cycle PCT


Was planning on running 250@ Test E for 16 weeks to get some performance boost in the gym.
I just have 1 question regarding PCT as everyone has different opinions.
What's the best PCT to run with this cycle. I was thinking using Nolvadex after cycle 40/20/20 (3weeks)
Also have arimidex on hand.
Hope someone can clarify for me ø.

Well-known member
It's hard to clarify because everyone is different. some people find 3 weeks enough, but usually that's 4 weeks PCT plan. With nolvadex, usually 40/40/20/20.
some find novladex enough, others find clomid better. But there are also people who love to run both (clomid at 50/50/25/25).
It's hard to say which one is going to be better for you because everyone is so different. You might, however, start with nolvadex alone at 40 mg day. Then, if you find it not enough, add or switch to clomid 50 mg a day the next week. then slowly start to reduce dosages depending on how you feel.