First cycle review dbol/test


New member

Hey Guys i'm planning to start my first cycle ever on 1 august , i already bought everything i just need reviews and critics on the cycle and advice .

please don't tell me you're too young because i already have the gear and i'm not throwing it away so if you have an advice to guide me to do it right thank you if you're about to tell me no you're too young save it because i'm doing it anyways .

stats : 

height 6.1"  weight 180Ibs Lean i don't know how much exactly bf but it's about 10%

age : 21

i'm going to run 

Dbol 50Mg ED for 4 weeks 

Test 500mg/week for 12weeks

HCG : ?? i have a lot of it but it don't know how to stack it i need help with that thanks

i have Exemestane (Aromasin) available in case for gyno

PCT : 4 weeks from 2eek 14 to 16

week 1 : 150 Clomid / 60 Nolvadex

week 2 & 3 :100 clomid / 40 nolva

week 4 :50 clomid / 20 nolva 

Thanks a lot , 

Respect !




Your to young !! Just kidding you are ,young and can still make gains a lot of gains natty ',but your heart is set on a cycle ,, I would save the dbl for next cycle ,your first cycle should consist of test only ,,this way you see how your body reacts to the test any sides ,you know what its from and you learn to read your body ,with dbol you won't know and will be guessing ,, also hcg is not needed IMO ,here save it ,aromansin I would of liked to see you have adex on a basic test cycle but ,aro is fine I prefer it actually ,I would take 6.25 EOD and adjust accordingly,, pct I'd run the standard ,pct ,,your on track ,now no one told you your to young ,but let's see if you drop the dbol,??? Your gonna run run propper and by book ,right brother and welcome to site ,and I would make into on your home page




This was exactly my first cycle and it's funny because my stats were pretty much identical to yours. I took 50 mg dbol ED for 6 weeks and 500mg test e for 10 weeks. My pct was nolva 40/40/20/20. I like the way your cycle looks it shows you've done your research. I threw on over 20 lbs and kept 14. I did get a little gyno but knocked it out with adex. Just pay attention to your nipples really closely. (That cycle was the only one I ever got gyno) I do have to say this though. If I had it to do all over again I would have done it like sieg suggested above. As far as the too young crap brother you won't hear that on this site. My feelings on this is if you act an ass and run a guy off with that bullshit he's still gonna do it anyway, and he'll do it without anyone to turn to for advice. These guys are here to help brother, and some of these brothers have more years experience than you've been alive. Just my 2 cents. Hope your first cycle goes great!



New member

HCG will be used in the last 4 weeks of your cycle and for the 2 leading up to PCT, then when pct begins you stop hcg.   You should use 500 ius every 4th day.



New member

Thanks for your reply i'm thinking about dropping it the only reason why i wanted to use DBol and test it's because i wanted to make a lot of gains and not have to run another cycle again . i wanted this to be me first and last .




DOWN what could go wrong guys,im no scientist but someone on here is.Someone explain what the possible negative side effects could be for doing it so youNG.I do know one thing lass008 is your natural production may not start back up being so young,and this cycle will be your first and last if you can't start your balls back up.remember your test levels are probably around 700 BEFORE cycle and when you come off your test levels will probably be 350 AFTER CYCLE for the rest of your life. Just think about that.Look were not like other sites where we will tar you and cover you in feathers,but we should be a site that lays down the negatives plain in simple for a 21 year old kid,he is gonna do it yea sure but let his ass know what could happen so he can't come back crying on why we didnt warn him CMON GUYS



New member

Okay so is it possible to stack hcg with a test only cycle ? i want it to be the safest cycle possible and prevent the shrinking and help fast recovery . thanks




BRO if your asking that question then for real you have not done real any research other than copy and paste from some page(not terying 2 be a dick)what do you expect steroids 2 do bro.they will not turn you into jay cutler.your skinny cuz yo dont eat enough and guess what youll be skinny as fuck on a cycle cuz you dont eat enough,test raises your metabolism as well so your gonna need 2 eat way way more on cycle but you planned that already right




DELUSION its not gonna make you put massive gains on bro and thats for real




I promise you it won't be your last cycle. Don't trip is correct. You do need to know the positives and negitives. Ultimately you'll make the decision.  As with anything in life you gotta ask yourself is the juice worth the squeeze? When you throw 50 to 60lbs on your bench in a matter of weeks you'll be wanting to do another cycle.



New member

i've been researching but it's never enough so i learned that using HCG during cycle starting starting from week 2 i think prevent the shrinking because it makes you still produce your own test while on cycle so that's why i'm asking i need different point of views and different opinions .

as for cycling i already have the test it expire 2015 i've had since last year and i didn't use it because people told me i'm still growing i'm not going to throw it away or try to sell it and go to jail for bullshit i'm use it . what's the difference of using it when you're 28 or 21 ? you recover if you're 28 and you keep producing your own test but if you're 21 it's going to shut you down ? no matter what happens let it we can prevent but we can't read the future life is a risk but we still take risks every day because as humans we don't like to live with our head down we like to live good and our heads up there is a great risk of an accident when you go out of the house so what ? people stay in their homes and they hide ? they try to prevent it and that's it if something happens you won't hear them complain because they know it was the consequences of what they did 




You wanna no the difference between and 21 and a 28 year old. Your endocrine system does not fully develop till you are 25 so you take test you tell your body 2 stop producing test your body shuts down with hcg or not,and you edocrine system may stop developing.So if you want 500 dollers worth of steroids 2 possible fuck your future up IE cant get you dick hard cant have children have 2 be on trt at  22 years then go ahead make a stupid decision.Look Im not going 2 suger coat it YOU ARE MAKING A STUDID AS FUCK DECISION okay you will mest up your test production cuz what cuz you CANT MAKE GAINS NATURAL IT MEANS YOUR TRAINING DIET SUCK SO DONT THINK STEROIDS ARE GONNA MAKE UP FOR YOUR SHIT DIET AND SHIT TRAINING 6'1 180 YOUR PROLLY SKIN AND BONES BRO.GOOD LUCK FINDING A WOMEN BRO THAT IS GONNA BE COOL WITH YOU PUTTING A NEEDLE IN YOUR ASS SO YOUR DICK CAN GET HARD AT 22.BRO THINK ABOUT IT YOU WANT ANSWERS YOU GOT THEM IF YOU WANT TO DO YOUR CYCLE GO AHEAD BUT WHEN YOUR ALL FUCKED UP DONT COME CRYING SAYING WHY DIDNT YOU GUYS WARN ME NOW I HAVE 2 STICK A NEEDLE IN MY ASS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.THERE IS A REASON EVERY WEBSITE SAYS NO STEROIDS IF YOUR 21 BUT ITSUP 2 YOU




He's already said he's got the gear and he's not throwing it away. His mind is made up. What we don't know is how long he's been training, how old he is, and what is his diet like. Would I advocate a 20 year old doing a cycle? No, but if his mind is made up it's made up and we can't change that. So IMO it's in his best interest to have someone with experience to turn to. I'd hate to see a guy get bitch tits or do a cycle and not have adex or pct on hand. I run into that shit all the time. 




I apologize if some of you think im being an asshole,I just want this dude 2 no what realy can happen.I am all for someone making their own choice.But we should atleast let them no at 21 the things a cycle could do.LASS008 ATLEAST RESEARCH ENDOCRIN SYSTEM AND STEROIDS AT A YOUNG AGE AND SEE WHAT IT SAYS THEN MAKE YOUR DESICION 




dshan he said he is 21,I understand its good 2 help but on that same token we need 2 drive it home what more than likely will happen brother.Idk if I can help some guys destroy his natural test production.Look if he is asking these basic questions then he really hasnt done enough research.the internet has every answer you can think if he want to go 2 an open forum then he must be prepared for the good and the harsh responses all aimed at helping him understand you know?




You're not being an asshole brother. You're looking out. You have valid points. I'm just saying there are no stupid questions. I would like people to feel comfortable enough to come back and ask questions if something goes wrong without fear of I told you so or ridicule. Myself included.




I know what your saying but this attitude "if you're about to tell me no you're too young save it because i'm doing it anyways"cant be tolerated.The guy just wanted us 2 spoon feed him his cycle and at his age thats a no go.He has a closed mind about it anything Other than sure jab yourself in the ass.There is no such thing as a dumb question your right and I'm glad we are a website that does not flame other.But on that token lets not be a website that aids in helping a 21 year old do a cycle if he wants it as bad as he says he does then research because if you come 2 a forum be prepared to hear stuff you aint gonna like.Dont put a disclaimer and expect us to spoon feed you




You're absolutely right, but I've been in his position just a few years back and you get info that's all over the place. (Broscience) Who do you believe? Myself I kinda took a position in the middle for a guideline and then learned through my own experiences. I'm still learning and if I have a question I won't hesitate to bring it to you fellas. Also there is one stupid question. It's the question not asked.




×2 your right ,run ,here's how to run safe ,but this is what you have to deal with the rest of your life ,,good deal bro +1 keeping it real




What everyone is trying to say is ,,your young ,also you need to research ,,have a basic understanding ,,bros are a little upset because ,if I were you age and knew what I know now ,,forget about it ,,also I did not touch a aas till like 3. 1/2 years ago and I been a beast all my life ,,I'm not much bigger now on aas ,aas are not magic DIET dictates growth along with training ,,you can cut ,or bulk on just about any cycle diet dependent ,,  bros would like you to hit ,cycle logs ,cycles ,pct ,ai, do some research and see what your getting into ,, educate self a little ,, yes your young we don't harp on that here ,,but I also agree with don't trip ,you need to know the consequences of your action ,, and believe me ,I know these guys its constructive ,critism because if they didn't care ,they would say ,ya just run ,, what don't trip is saying is once you cycle your natty t will take a hit bro ,, will you get it back with pct chances are good yes ,,but at the same time your making a life time committmennt here ,,and bro food is the most anabolic substance going I proved it not this cycle but last I came off DECA test drol and I ate more and trained harder after cycle and put more weight ,, decision is your s now you know the down side ,,basic test if your prepared go for it ,,
