gear changing colors




Hey guys, I wanted to hear your thoughts on this especially the brewers. So I got some test when I draw it it's almost an orange color. Similar to tren. So normally I just do my shot and go on about my business, but I predrew this one and a couple hours later the test changed to a blue green color. Like not faint either a pretty pronounced blue green. What's up with that?




What ester? I wonder if the solvents started dissolving the rubber plunger and that turned it in color? 




I don't know, but hell two hours would be fast as shit to eat that plunger. It doesn't have much pip so I wouldn't think the solvent concentration would be real high, but maybe the particular solvent used may eat the plunger.?.?




If it was test e I would say no because not much solvent is needed, but cyp does require a good bit of solvent, so that very well could be the reason. Solvents will eat at the plunger if left in the barrel for periods of time.




It was probably in there long enough to start eating at the plunger enough to cause it to discolor the oil. This is just an educated guess on my part. I know just enough to get myself in trouble lol.



New member

Krisbr I been reading over this trying to figure out the best explanation of it but let me ask this first. What kind of orange (compare to a tangerine since tren can be so many different colors depending on so many things) and then the big one, when you say blue green which was more prevalent the blue or the green (could it have been a light green with a bluish look due to lighting or did the blue jump out at you as yea this is blue)? 



New member

Or a picture of it...that would help too. Could sacrifice a ml (or whatever you drew before to keep it standardized) and take a picture of it at the time of drawing and then at the two hour mark, both against a white piece of paper. This would be the best option but would cost you a little product.




I'll take a picture in the morning, apl. Dolf I was thinking about what we talked about I don't feel it could be from the stopper. I drew up some eq first and the test 2nd. The test sat up front with its weird coloring. So it never made it to the plunger.




Yea that changes the equation there. Didn't know you drew up eq also. 

I pm'd apl and asked him to come in here and put his brain to work because I know he's an intelligent motherfucker. : ) We'll get this shit figured out.




Lol, yeah, I'm supposed to take a picture of it tomorrow for him. 



New member

One other question Krisbr....when you pushed the air out of the syringe (or any time when you were drawing or anything) did you notice any kind of faint or strange smells? Might not have but tomorrow you can put a drop or two on a piece of paper to see if you notice anything out of the ordinary smell-wise.




Ok, guys I put a picture up if the gear. It's of the predrew neddle. That's about 24 hours. It definitely darkened more. I'd say it's some kind of chemical reaction. I'm not gonna use it. I am still curious what caused that though. Apl I only noticed a Chemical type smell. Nothing unusual.




Oh and apl the starting color was maybe rip banana with a splash of orange. When I get home I'll draw some out so you can see.



New member

Was the chemical smell like almost a fruity sweetish chemical smell or more a putrid harsh smell?



New member

Yea i commented on that pic. If you still have the predraw prop it and the new one on a book or something and sit them side by side with a bright light on them for reference. That shit is WAY too dark tho yet the plunger looks intact (does it move freely or without feeling majorly stuck to the barrel?). Also when zoomed in on it there is a clear gradient with significant separation, first you have the clearer, yellow closest to the plunger then a drop to a darker yellow, then a bubble (so the darker is really light weight or really dense for that bubble not to move up) with a clear shift to green and then to almost black.

Try moving that plunger and with the darker portion to the top, see if the plunger moves first but also if that bubble does and see if the dark portion is so dense it doesn't want to flow. What gauge needle is that on it for reference?

Damn that stuff looks like ink on the top layer!




Ok, so I'm realizing that isn't test c it's mast e. That was a different pin I realized by the amount in each what they were. Doesn't change that it isn't going in me. I already shot it down the sink. It came out easy. Was a blue green color, but not nearly as thick as that. 



New member

Yea the actual compound itself wouldn't cause that brother. If anything Mast E makes it worse as there shouldn't be any increased solvent ratios needed there. If it pushed without any binding or anything I wouldn't say it would e the plunger as the edges would be the first part to get hit by a solvent and from what I've seen they bind up to the point of locking up the plunger
