grip strength


New member

So I get some wrist pain every now and then when going heavy so I like to use straps on pull days. I have been able to get through alot more volume without having to fight through pain. I also found the straps help my forearms not to get so pumped up, because when them forearms get too pumped its hard to keep pulling at 100%... So I like the straps but I got a few buddies (And I know some others probably feel this way) that say by using straps all the time that you will lose grip strength and that it would be better to go without the straps allowing you to have greater grip/forearm strength..

What do you guys think? Do you use straps or think its not a good idea? Oh yeah and who trains foreams? man Im just gonna be honest I dont train forearms but mine are pretty nice, got some development and muscle on em.



New member

I personally use them as needed. If I have them at hand I'll use them for the last set of pulldowns, last set of bent over rows, last set of deadlifts and that's it. Never was too concerned about getting soft with the grip. It's one of those things that help you go to failure, and I'm a firm believer in going to failure or even past failure in some cases.




You can work on grip strength like anything else. To me the point of straps is to focus on the muscles your working, and its hard to do that if you're worried about your grip on the bar or db. I like straps for my pulls and then do grip strength separately with things like farmers carry and the gripper made by Hammer Strength. I only use straps when I get in the area of 75 to 80% of my 1rm.




I only use them when I get heavy to keep me from getting forearm pains I work hard enough at work that im not worried about grip I also have a cyst on my right wrist that hurts like hell if I strain it 




ever use the straps, However I do not thing they would hurt anything by using as needed.   The hammer strength gripper is the thing, keep it in the console of my truck& while driving you can be Jamming out & working on that grip strength.



New member

Here's my take.

Unless you're a competitive power lifter, like me it doesn't matter. As long as your forearms are in proportion to the rest of your arm and body. But as a power lifter grip strength will determine how much weight you can dead lift. I was never able to break past 755 lbs because I could not hold any more than that. The rest of my body was more than capable of busting that number, but not my arthritic hands.

But if you just want to look good, who cares if you have to ask your old lady to open the pickles?




I value grip strength just for the fact if I have to lay my hands on someone they know they're in trouble when they get a couple of vice grips locked down on them lol



New member

I just shoot.

I'm too old to fight anymore. Although I did knock out .y 32 year old son about two months ago when he came over drunk and tried to attack me with an edger. Swelled up the whole left side of his face. I felt terrible but was defending myself.




Dolf  is vise grippen  buf getting attackEd with an edger.   We got some crazy talkin going on today. Where is honey badger he don't give a damn  Only thing I need to grip these days is my wang and wifey 




play when it comes to a edger.. lol  Sound like you still got a good left hook.



New member

I feel you on this topic cheezy... I played ball in highschool and competed in the shot put and discus as well I sustained a few injures from my time being involved.. However nothing too serious but i do get some pretty nasty wrist pains when I go super heavy. With that being said the only time I wrap is when I go super heavy and the the same on pull excercises.. thats the only time I wrap or use straps... I've never notice a lack in my.grip but I only use them on the last super heavy sets.. But that's just me.. Also like all our brothers shared never hurts to crank on a grip strengthaner from time to time. 




Farmers carry is IMO the bedt grip training you can do. It can be fucking brutal if you push yourself enough.
