Guidance for my plan, please


New member
I’ve been on TRT for about 2 years and Im running my first cycle that I just started it in March. I plan to stay on TRT indefinitely because my natural numbers were shit at like 34 years old. Im trying to cruise and blast.


Then the 500 is extremely safe. YOu have a solid plan and you seem to be tracking it very well.
For what it's worth, I and I stress that I - others will disagree - would advise you to consider kicking up to 600-650mg for your cycle. Then after three months drop back to 250mg for three months.
Use those six months to choose your next cycle with a little more added to the stack. And don't overworry about you AI your fine there!

Enjoy Dgz and glad to have you sharing!


Well-known member
From what I have read, growth hormone (and perhaps in conjunction with insulin) is the only way that we can create new muscle cells.

You are forgetting all about IGF-1 ;).

Insulin works to prevent the metabolic breakdown of glycogen, fat, and protein and is a nutrient shuttling hormone. Because of its nutrient shuttling capabilities insulin is very good at promoting anabolism and staving off catabolism. Side bar- Insulin can increase follistatin so in that regard it can be considered a contributor to possible new muscle cell proliferation since, as Blaster stated, follistatin blocks myostatin.

GH is a precursor to IGF-1 but the liver can only produce so much IGF-1. If you want a super physiological dose of IGF-1 to promote muscle hyperplasia (the growth and development of new numbers of muscle cells) you will have to use exogenous IGF-1 vs. GH. IGF-1, aside from being a nutrient shuttling hormone, also acts to promote muscle cell hyperplasia as opposed to muscle cell hypertrophy (the growth of existing muscle cells in size).

There is nothing stronger in our arsenal that will proliferate muscle cells specifically than IGF-1 excluding myostatin inhibitors but I dare to say that is years away from being readily available to us meatheads. IGF-1 is a true muscle building hormone but you better know the long term risks of extended use.
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Thus, the capacity of exogenous gh is limited to the capability of an individual liver to produce igf-1. Thanks for the additional clarification as I am only now delving into the realm of understanding hgh. Though I personally am not interested so much in hyperplasia, but more in the anti aging department; starting to get that old man skin ;)


Well-known member
For what it's worth, I and I stress that I - others will disagree - would advise you to consider kicking up to 600-650mg for your cycle.

Why is that Bobby? All things being considered if his diet and training are solid and this is his first above therapeutic dose of testosterone cycle I highly doubt he would see much difference between 500 and 650. And if his diet and training are not on point an extra 150mg will do absolutely nothing other than increase the risk of side effects.

More drugs aren't the key to real growth. Most individuals do not train hard enough, rest long enough, properly maintain serum stability or eat correctly. I say this from personal experience. I can use 500mg of test alone for eight weeks and get the results I am expecting because there are very few individuals who are willing to train as hard as I do, monitor serum levels, maintain proper rest cycles and consume the right macro's in the correct quantities religiously. I was not always this way.... I learned through trial and error with many recorded failures that more drugs were NOT the key. ;)
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Your body and mine react differently.

The split from 250 to 500 for me is HUGE for 500 to 650 is HUGE again. BUT that is how my body reacts..Again, I said others would disagree. The purpose as I see it is to share different ideas and experiences and let people make their own call. That's what I am doing here, nothing more. The dude is smart...smarter than most. He will make the right decision for himself. I just wanted to offer different perspectives.


New member
Thanks fellas,
I genuinely appreciate all of you sharing your knowledge with me. I think Im going to stay at 500mg/week, just because when I originally started this cycle it was planned as 250mg/week so I think I’ve already been ambitious enough with bumping it to 500mg/week lol. The only other change Im considering is adding in Oxandroxyl to help kill the stubborn fat around my hips and belly. I have 50 tabs that are 10mg/tab so, Id like to use them up before I move also, but Im not quite sure what the best way to do it would be. When I bought my gear and first planned this cycle, moving off of the mainland wasn’t even in the picture but now it’s happening so my situation has changed. Again, thanks fellas.


Well-known member
500mg of Anavar is going to provide you with little or no results in regards to fat reduction. It's a very 'safe' steroid so take 20mg ED for 25 days but don't have any false expectations at that dose or duration.

Cutting calories below maintenance or increase energy expenditure above calories would be your best bet.

Comdine all together will provide better results than one on its own.

Decrease calories + increase energy expenditure + 20mg Var ED
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Well-known member
Solely dependent on the purpose of adding it but most males will see benefits with 40-80mg ED for 6-8 week cycles. Its an expensive oral with limited results but many swear by it.


I love Var....heck SF is who talked me into it in the first place.
It is not however a massive fat burner. You will like it and it's safe - take it from a guy who struggles to lose the last gut/belly fat. You really want to lose it, calorie deficit and run, run a lot.
Good luck on the move, hope it's a good opertunity.


Well-known member
I wouldn't be adding Var to this cycle. Since your TRT I would be getting Proviron and the benfits of SHGB, and free testosterone. Proviron while on TRT is the most common stack. Also the goals your looking for you would benefit way more on Proviron than Anavar cause your dont have to cycle on and off with Proviron you can just take it. However, IMO I think Proviron for 12 weeks and off 4 or 6 than 12 again is a good way to shock the body.. but yes Proviron IMO would be way better than Anavar.


I have never used provi and see dosages ranging from 25 to 100 per day. What is your suggested dose (and anyone else surely please add your 3 cents if you can spare it)? What are some of the effects one might expect? I hear mood elevation as well as increased libido. I also hear mixed assertions that it is "safe" for females to use. I have a small pile of it and wonder whether or not to add it to the cruise.


Well-known member
I agree with Semper Fi 100000000% I could not have said it any better myself and would have said exactly the same thing!


Not at all SF. You know you have my highest respect. So sorry if I came off angry or upset or something (this is in response to the comment you left below, I can't figure out how to reply just to it). I was just explaining my thoughts on why I gave the idea; I was trying to share an idea more than giving advice. And call me out anytime! I damn well may need and deserve it!