HCG & IU to mL



Great advice and points all!  Recovery vs TRT usage of HCG are definitely two different beast.

I am with SF and just quit using and accepting small ball high and tight :)  

I do miss the sensitivity though.  



New member

Just the weeks before PCT makes semse. Dosing HCG as the steroid clears the body, working in synergy with natural hormones. Great idea although Ive never tried HCG and there is science to back up your method toward recovery.

Why run a compound through a cycle that contradicts a compound that just does the complete opposite. Maybe Im wrong, but doesnt HCG mimmick LH and FSH which is mostly shut down by the steroid ingested from outside of the body? It just makes sense to run one or the other;  seems that it is a total waste of product and probably terrible to run both together just slamming and confusing the HPTA. Then some people may have to just blast a much larger dose, 2500 twice a week for two weeks has been said to work well, depends on the cycle and person. Why do that much if you dont need. Thought id run my 2 sense, glad I read the post, I do believe HCG is a smart way to kickstart recovery. 



New member

Just caught your comment. All those are backed up with success, probably best to find that dose amd sweet spot.  A bit of trial and error; ive never run hcg but im going to next time. It be nice to beef up the jewels right into PCT. 
