Hello from Engineereddisaster aka Ed

Hi, my name is Ed.  New to muscle gurus but not new to the juice.  I'm pretty active in another forum but thought I give mg a shot.  I've heard good things about the place.  I'm 36 years old ran my first cycle at 21 like a dumbass, lifted hard, got big, and decused to step away and go all natty until I was ready for it.  Fast forward to today, I've been cycling for a while now, I'm 6' was 235 lbs under 10 percent bf. until recently got hit with serious illness.  I'm trying to recover and now am sitting at 215 8.5% bf. (calipers).  

Ive ran just about everything.  I love water based  test suspension, my last cycle was a simple test prop, tren ace, masteron and Winny cycle.  I'm a wrestler first and a bodybuilder second.  I love the game, the pumps, and life.  I'm a pretty big smartass but I do it all in good fun so please don't take anything personal, unless of course I want you to take it personal.

enough about me.  I'm happy to help where I can, feel free to pm me for cyle advice, I accept all friend requests and appreciate any advice from anyone.


all my love, no homo





Welcome Ed.  We are glad you are here and look forward to your contributions to the Muscle Guru community. Please be sure to review the rules and stay active, our forums are ready and waiting for your contributions. Cycle advice is often requested in our cycle forum so c'mon in and join the party. + for your intro.




Welcome Engineereddisaster.  Be sure you’ve found the right place. glad to have you among us so stay active and share your knowledge because we need you here. 
