Hey guys. New member here enjoy reading and taking all your advice. Thanks!


New member
34 year old male
15-20% body fat

Very athletic and have been training on and off for last 15 years of my life (for sports, not body building)

Here was my one and only cycle

Monday - 1ml test 400
Thursday - 1ml test 400

Arimidex - 1mg EOD throughout cycle


Nolvadex - 20mg EOD for 8 weeks

My friend talked me into this and I jumped right in. He lined up the gear and we hit the ground running.

I trained very hard started at 200lbs and ended up at 226lbs in 2 months. My strength and size blew through the roof and I was loving it.

Now that I have done my own research I messed up terribly on my PCT and might have injecting too much per week.

Now that I’m fully recovered from that cycle I want some advice on a new one.

Test E/Deca and maybe some oral interests me. I love the test 400 it was good to inject and I noticed it almost instantly but looking for different options. Can anyone help me out? Any advice is great.



Well-known member
Can't really understand what to help you with?
I mean, Test Deca could be a good cycle as a second bulking cycle. Hell, Test alone could still be highly effective. As for orals - keep them for the third cycle. You only used Test. Then you want to add Deca, adding the oral too, you have 2 new steroids that you never used before. You don't know how your body reacts to these steroids. if you experience side effects, you will be left scratching your head wondering which one causes this or that effect.
overall, 800 mg/week of test is indeed high for a beginner, but if you responded well - good for you.
as for arimidex - do you actually need 1 mg EOD? or you just took it this way because you were told to use it this way?
What went wrong with PCT? The dosage of Nolvadex might've been too low, especially for the first 1-2 weeks of PCT


New member
Thanks for the reply. I took the arimidex cause I was told to. What would you recommend for a PCT after a Test 400 cycle? Should I have included hCG? I didn’t do enough digging I just jumped on board with a buddy who I thought knew what he was doing. I would consider test 400 again I just need to gear up for a better PCT. Thanks again


Well-known member
I took the arimidex cause I was told to.
don't. use it if you actually need it. because if you simply use it because that's what you were told, you risk suppressing to much E2 (low E2 can hinder your gains among other negative issues).
What would you recommend for a PCT after a Test 400 cycle?
it varies from a person to another. but it could include Nolvadex with Clomid, both for 4 weeks.
Should I have included hCG?
it greatly depends. have you noticed testicle shrinkage? have you recovered well?


New member
I did not recover well I don’t think. I would say testicles have shrunk a bit. I have gone from 225lbs down to 210-213lbs since off the gear. I was an emotional wreck shortly after I stopped pinning and Have also gained quite a bit of fat in my lower abdomen.

I’m seeking another cycle but don’t know what and how much and with so many different articles and opinions online I’m having a tough time to decide. That’s why I’ve signed up here I really like what you guys have going on. Seems like everyone here is here to help.


Well-known member
then it sounds like you need Clomid and Nolvadex. Something like 50 mg/day of Clomid and 40 mg/day of Nolvadex for the first 2 weeks of your PCT, then reduce the dosage of both in half and continue for 2 more weeks (4 weeks total PCT plan). HCG could be added, like 2-3x per week in dosage of 250-500 IU depending on how you feel on it and the level of testicle shrinkage.
You sound like you had low T levels (suppression) from the cycle without proper PCT.


New member
Thanks for all your advice man I really appreciate it. If I were to take on a test 400 cycle again how would you recommend running it.

Dosages per week?
Anything else while pinning? Pct or oral steroids?


Well-known member
Test 400 mg per week alone. this means 1 ml /week. But oyu need to split dosage, which means 0.5 ml x2 weekly throughout the week. split dosage.
don't do orals just as yet.
PCT is important if you don't plan to remain on test injections for life. started 2 weeks after the last test dosage at the end of cycle.


New member
Just wondering how you would run a
test e/Deca cycle for 12 weeks with a pct plan as well thanks for your info


Well-known member
Test E 300 mg Monday 300 mg Thursday = 600 mg/week for 12 weeks
Deca 200 mg Monday and 200 mg Thursday = 400 mg/week for 12 weeks
Week 13-14 off
week 15-16 Nolvadex 40 mg/day and Clomid 50 mg/day
week 17-18 Nolvadex 20 mg/day and Clomid 25 mg/day
arimidex or aromasin as needed. HCG if you notice testicle shrinkage and respond well to it as needed.
workout, eat, sleep, repeat.


Well-known member
high estrogen symptoms. such as bloating, water retention, ED, feeling emotional, low sex drive, gynecomastia and others, but these are the most common.
but do not overdo arimidex/aromasin. because they can "kill" your estrogen which is going to lead to low E2 which come with similar symptoms such as ED, low sex drive, feeling emotional and others.


New member
Awesome. I really think on my t400 cycle the arimidex every other day is what killed me afterwards for pct. Lost everything lost my gains lost control of my emotions and suffered ED. So basically what you’re saying is have some arimidex on hand incase symptoms arise. Appreciate your input.

Might be getting needy here for information so tell me to shut up if you like haha

What should a daily eating program look like? I feel like I did pretty good for eating in my last cycle but feel like there is always room for improvement. Honestly eating is the toughest part I find goin on a cycle.

Thanks for all your input


Well-known member
What should a daily eating program look like? I feel like I did pretty good for eating in my last cycle but feel like there is always room for improvement. Honestly eating is the toughest part I find goin on a cycle.
that's too individual to say anything over the forum. You can talk to a coach or nutritionist about it.
but quick tips: make sure you eat around 500 cals more if oyu want to gain muscle. or eat about 500 cals fewer if you want to burn fat than your maintenance calories (use online calorie calculator to find your maintenance calories).
make sure you get enough micronutrients (antioxidants, vitamins and minerals)
make sure you get a proper balance of macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat)
I can share a few links privately to find more helpful info. won't share them here though because it is against the forum rules so only if you want to. also it seems that you won't be able to contact me privately because you do not have enough post count


New member
Also I’m lining up my gear and getting awfully confused between mg and ml. Bottles I’m ordering are of 10ml. How many bottles of Deca and enthanate should I order?