How harsh is npp on the body?

33 years old. 5'10 210lbs about 10% bf. Only do trt now these days. I want to add something to my test this summer though. Goal is mainly a recomp and to look good. My main things are I want it to be hair friendly and relatively easy on the body.

Was thinking of test and low dose npp. Also considering test and mk, or test and var but mainly leaning towards npp.

I have ran npp a bunch in the last however these days I'm older now and more health focused. Got married had a kid so want to be better. I have a history of high BP and svt. Those are being controlled by meds so I don't want bp to really go up. I'm also a firefighter so don't want any issues with work.

What's the lowest beneficial dose of npp I could do? Would it be that harsh to run 100 to 200 mgs of it for 12 to 16 weeks? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Well-known member
I guess you know that NPP should be used every other day, which means that using it for 16 weeks can be quite a challenge. Why wouldn't you use Deca instead?
Also, 100 to 200 mg/week of Nandrolone can be beneficial. Combined with Test and a great diet and workout - you would get your body recomp.
by the way, may also look into Primobolan
I guess you know that NPP should be used every other day, which means that using it for 16 weeks can be quite a challenge. Why wouldn't you use Deca instead?
Also, 100 to 200 mg/week of Nandrolone can be beneficial. Combined with Test and a great diet and workout - you would get your body recomp.
by the way, may also look into Primobolan
Thanks. I feel like npp is drier than deca. Going to be using it in the summer so don't want that bloat look. Primo makes me shed like crazy so trying to keep it hair safe

Well-known member
well, the NPP it is. if you don't mind pinning EOD for that long, it can be helpful.
well, the NPP it is. if you don't mind pinning EOD for that long, it can be helpful.
Thanks. Yea I don't mind pinning. What would be the lowest beneficial amount you think. I'm on 150 mg test for trt. Not sure what the ration should be. Usually I run 300 test 300 npp but trying to keep doses low now

Well-known member
if you were feeling fine at 300 test 300 npp, you can go for 150 mg test (for trt) and 150 mg npp. I generally recommend keeping lower nandrolone dosage than test, but if you're fine at 1:1 then you can go for it.
if you were feeling fine at 300 test 300 npp, you can go for 150 mg test (for trt) and 150 mg npp. I generally recommend keeping lower nandrolone dosage than test, but if you're fine at 1:1 then you can go for it.
Thanks man! What's safer on the hair? Npp or var?

Well-known member
both are considered pretty safe. not sure which one is exactly safer. I guess it depends on the dosage and cycle length, as well as personal response to them


Well-known member
I love NPP 100-150 eod does the body well with about 500 test a week. Ran that cycle back when I was your age and liked it better then deca which made me blow up like a blowfish .Now at 55 deca does not blow me up anymore like before . Never did anything to my hair other then made it grow like crazy.


Well-known member
I love NPP 100-150 eod does the body well with about 500 test a week. Ran that cycle back when I was your age and liked it better then deca which made me blow up like a blowfish .Now at 55 deca does not blow me up anymore like before . Never did anything to my hair other then made it grow like crazy.
Any problems with the deca dick syndrome?


Well-known member
maybe because of a diet change?
Im not sure .That could be the reason and possibly because I run HCG now and back when I was younger I did not. I am actually very vascular now surprisingly .I thing these compounds work differently when you get older as well.