How r those bulks going?

Agreed, Semper. 

It wasn't like I was super fat to begin with, nor did I put on a lot of fat durning that cycle (I hovered around 18% before, during and after). It was just too much weight overall and I just won't do another big bulk without lightening the initial BF load. Breaking 285 was kind of cool for about 10 seconds and then i realized just how close I was to 300 and reality set in. My nurse wife actually said to me "Being built like a tank does you no good if you have a stroke. Lose some weight!" Lol




That's not at all backwards, if anything that's forwards! Too many people want to bulk up when really they first need to drop their bf into a reasonable range, then bulk up. Its kind of like getting your bloodwork done first to know your baseline numbers before cramming the body full of hormones and what not. 




Shit man at 230+ I feel like I'm moving around in molasses. I couldn't imagine 285! I feel the best at about 215 and 12% bf.


Big Nasty

New member

His training was going great. He is now in wrestling season 5 days a week so he is unable to go to the gym with me until FEB however they are working the shit out of him conditioning wise. 
