I need advice about cycle


New member
I want to know how many mg's i should be taking a week to get good gains. Im taking test cypionate 200 mg twice a week
Tren E 200 mg twice a week
Masteron enanthate 200 mg twice a week . Should i up my dosage or is this ok

Pip burn

New member
I want to know how many mg's i should be taking a week to get good gains. Im taking test cypionate 200 mg twice a week
Tren E 200 mg twice a week
Masteron enanthate 200 mg twice a week . Should i up my dosage or is this ok
Depends on what you want. That's 400mg 400mg test
200mg tren e
200mg mast e
I would up the test to 600 just because that a more solid foundation. I would also up the tren e 400. Only because that's what I've ran before and currently hardly any sides. Tren e in generally is not the same potency as ace. I have never ran mast but I will be on my next tren cycle.

Pip burn

New member
Depends on what you want. That's 400mg 400mg test
200mg tren e
200mg mast e
I would up the test to 600 just because that a more solid foundation. I would also up the tren e 400. Only because that's what I've ran before and currently hardly any sides. Tren e in generally is not the same potency as ace. I have never ran mast but I will be on my next tren cycle.
Remember this is just me. I know there are guys out there that can run some pretty wierd ratios with confidence.


Well-known member
For a beginner, and according to your question, it leads me to believe you are fairly new at this, what you are running is plenty. In fact, I would say, too much! I disagree with Pip Burn on this one. 600 mg of test is NOT a beginner's dose...at all!!! Way to much. Where do you go from there? 750 mg? 1 gram per week?

How will you ever know how your body responds if you start right away with ridiculously high dosages? The key is to find your sweet spot...that is...what is the lowest amount that you can take that will produce results?

In addition, you shouldn't be mixing too many compounds at first. Start with one...like test for example at 250-300 mg per week for 12 weeks and then the second time around you can either do the same, if you had good results, or try adding another compound. Remember, these are products that can totally, 100%, mess you up, if you're not careful. I don't mean to be the deliverer of bad news here, not my intention, but safety should always be your number one concern.

Pip burn

New member
You said second cycle. If you have heard the term newbie gains they are talking about how when your new to compounds you react very well to them. So why not get the most out of your gains while you can. If your going to shut yourself down at least do it and get some decent results.


Well-known member
From a safety standpoint, it is best to start at 250-300 mg per week. However, I do understand your point. Imagine, however, that the person you're recommending 600 mg per week doesn't react well to test and has adverse sides. The receptors are clean/virgin and he will know how he reacts to test by using a lower dose. 20 years ago when I started using, I felt the same way, however, time and much trial and error has taught me that it is best to start slow and build up. It's better for him to know his body and how it reacts to these compounds before attempting 600 mg, which is in my humble opinion, is way too much for a newcomer. You will find Pip Burn that on this forum we emphasize safety before anything else and we are careful with our recommendations. God forbid someone gets hurt with our recommendations, just because that's what worked for us.


Well-known member
Agreed with EMachine. The original poster seems to be a beginner and 400 mg a week of Test is just right. There's no need to add any Masteron or especially Trenbolone!


Well-known member
So why not get the most out of your gains while you can. If your going to shut yourself down at least do it and get some decent results.
overdoing something won't help get the most
also there's a difference in shutting natural testosterone slightly, a shutting it so bad that you are unlikely to get back to where you previously where. That's why is important to have PCT plans too...
I gotta disagree with your PIP Burn... The guy would still get great results at 400 mg Test alone if that's his first ever cycle


New member
Its not my first cycle i have been running this cycle for three months now and ive done other cycles in the past . Im also on gh is that going to effect anything


Its not my first cycle i have been running this cycle for three months now and ive done other cycles in the past . Im also on gh is that going to effect anything
You need to let these guys know you stats, how many cycles and what kind of supplements you have ran in the past to get a helpful answer. An old saying goes, Get the most you can from the least amounts! To be honest with you, 400 of tren and 400 of mast a week is a lot for someone who is not familiar with how much they should take. Listen to what these guys say, they know what's up and will help get you there.


Well-known member
The fact that you search for Tren + Mast + Test makes me think you want to cut out.
Why do you use GH then? what else have you used previously?


New member
Thats all ive used for the past 3 months but i stopped the test. Tren and mast two weeks ago cuz my guy went on vacation. Im still taking gh im on my fourth month. What should i do. I dont have much knowledge on this im just kind of going along as i go. I need help on supplements i should be taking and on what i should be doing. Im 46 yrs old ive been working out for a long time and ive taken steroids a few times in the past but i didnt have a clue on what to take and still really dont.


Well-known member
I appreciate you finally telling us more about yourself. We are really a community here, and to receive the best possible advice, it is critical that you share your stats with us. How many cycles, age, weight, goals, etc. If you're gonna do this, that is, embark on this path, it is wise to learn as much as you can about every compound and how it interacts with other compounds for size (mass) or for cutting. At your age, (our age), we cannot afford to make mistakes. The price is too high and can have severe consequences. This products are no joke. The quality of the products today keeps improving and due to really good competition, we have today better products than we've had in years. Please let us know exactly what your goals are? A lot of wise members here how will give you an honest response.. Might not be what you want to here, but it solid advice.


Well-known member
Stopping testosterone and running any other steroids isn't a wise idea. you can stop whatever other, but not testosterone.
If you want to lose weight and cut out, add some testosterone alone with good training regimen and be honest with your diet. If you've been using test for a while, add some clenbuterol and see how it goes for you.
it is wise to learn as much as you can about every compound and how it interacts with other compounds for size (mass) or for cutting.
couldn't agree more with this.
learn as much as possible about every single compound you intend to add. regardless if that's a steroid or not, oral or injectable etc. learn about dosage, side effects, benefits etc.


New member
My goal is to cut some fat and get shredded . My ideal weight is about 185 and im 205 right now i have a good foundation with im not new to working out but i can only get so far and ive done a few cycles but incorrectly i didnt have a great diet and i was misinformed by people about what u should take and how much because they wanted the money. So im trying to get the best results this time by listening to people that have good information and im willing to do whatever is suggested and learn as much as i can


So at this point you have ran your cycle for 12 weeks and stopped everything 2 weeks ago, correct? So 2 weeks ago you basically just completed a 12 week cycle. At this point you need to cruise on test at trt levels or start a pct plan. Stay off cycle for 12 weeks before starting another cycle. Like was mentioned, you cannot just stop taking testosterone because you will completely crash your physical test level and that is not good. Have you decided to blast and cruise or pct?