

New member
Hi all,
im new here. not to the world of fitness but to steroids. I look forward to learning about the usage good and bad and quite excited to try this out.
Ive done quite a few research in forums and videos etc. I've got my interest on Trenbolone and stacking with Winstrol. the only issue im having is determining what the correct dosage and length of time for the cycle.
however, im open to suggestions that would help me to finalize my decisions so I can make purchase and begin my journey.

with that said its nice to be here and stoked to be a part of this community.

have a great day!

Well-known member
yep. We need more info about you to be able to help. And Trenbolone + Winstrol for a beginner who never used steroids is among the worst ideas. Better Test alone


Well-known member
what is it about tren that people think its the magic oil but godam you have to have a few cycles behind you and know what your doing. its test is best for the beginner.


Well-known member
what is it about tren that people think its the magic oil but godam you have to have a few cycles behind you and know what your doing. its test is best for the beginner.

Social media has made tren extremely popular. People actually believe if they take enough tren they can look good without working out