Leg press vs squats


New member

Due to back issues, squatting with high weight is tough.. Leg press is much easier, I can go higher weight and for longer.. What do you miss out on doing more leg press vs squats?



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I recall getting a link from milk a long ass time ago about this topic. Basically you can get good gains doing leg press if you are unable to do squats if I remember correctly. 



New member

Hack squats are good, All the pro spend lots of time on the leg press machine but most are still doing squats. The main thing for muscle growth is time under tension, heavy tension that is. You can still make good gain on your legs with leg press though. Iv witnessed it :)




Going deep (knees to chest) and time under tension is the key. Squats aren't called the king for no reason, but if you can't do them then you just can't. 




I got 4 discs in back blown and I can do squats but only heavy  for about a month at a time once I get up above 500 there is nerve pain next day I wrap knees and have an inzer powerlifting belt  from way back   leg press doesn't seem to bother it as much but I would rather do lighter squats than heavy leg press




New member

fatboy1937 said:
</p><p>I prefer ankles for earrings ugl..... But thanks for the info about leg presses, I'm stoked now for legs!</p><p>
 </p><p>Bahahahaaaa that's fucking great!!!! </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>


New member

My problem is lower back, two discs.. I can do squats, its just difficult. Outlawthing have you noticed leg press almost feels good on your back? It kinda does for me.



New member

Have you tried hack squat? I know not all gyms have the hack squat machine but it definitely still gives you the same filling of doing squats but less painful if you have pre existing  injuries, not to mention it puts some nice size on your quads and hams.



New member

So you can do old school barbell or the machine if your gym has one. the machine doesn't put a lot of tension on your back but it gives you the workout as regular squats but without a lot of the pain in your back.  I was trying to attach some pics but they aren't showing up




the feeling is person to person it depends on where the  discs are touching the nerve  I can't do any motions where I stay bent like. Rows or dead lifts  :(  but bending and coming up isn't bad until I get heavy   Decline sit ups hurt so bad I can't walk also this I am adamant about however I always stretch a lot   before legs  and go up slow even if it means more sets. That Way if something isn't right I stop  no excersize or ego in the world is worth  poor quality of life  cause of spine issues !! 



New member

i suffered a back injury about 1.5 years ago. The wife's a PT and although she recommend staying away from squats for a while and heavy lifting, my hard headed ass don't listen. So she recommend using the smith machine over traditional squats. It helped a lot but I was killing the leg press as well. Either way listen to your body and take it as easy as you can. 



New member

Dorian yates s a fan of leg press and he usually be on leg press side because when he squat he faced more injuries.

I read this an interview such a long time ago.


