muscle tech


New member

Whats up guys ...what yall think about WALMART selling all these pretty good products ....bpi musclepharm combat ...muscle tech aminos ...muscle tech anarchy ..



New member

95% of supplements sold over the counter is overpriced garbage.  Watch Bigger, Faster, Stronger documentary on youtube, it explains the industry pretty well.  There are a handful of things worth purchasing, but by in large most of the "Extreme Muscle", or "Super Pumps", anything named similar is cash thrown in the trash.

Youre on quite a bit of stuff already.  Supporting aids are really all you should be taking (liver, BP, etc...)


Why are you taking Nolvadex on cycle? 




Bro I am with Sensei 110& are on a large cycle now and that should be doing everything you want it to do. Way I see those compounds is if they worked the FDA woulda banned them already as they do everything else that works.




Bigger Stronger Faster is a great documentary. IMO most sups are bullshit however some are not and proven to work. Protein as long as it's not amino spiked is fine. Others like creatine, glutamine, full spectrum amimos, and bcaa's are good too. It's always best to get your nutrients from whole foods, but a little sup help is not bad.



New member

Creatine ha ! 75%-90% is diet and genics !! Yes aminos play a really big part ! I've always taken aminos before and after workouts. I feel the more am the better. Yes a lot of it goes to waiste for me but it makes me feel better knowing I'm getting all the aminos I can in my system.  And if this spell check continues to screw up my typing I'm going to go insane!!!! 



New member

Yea wen i say supps i mean just pre workouts like no bull helps me motivate in the gym ...


And knock some puffy nipps down 


Your running that cycle with just nolva and your using your nolva during cycle?? Also do you have an Ai on hand bro (adex  and aro??) Nova is more used used for PCT you would definitely want an ai on hand for your estro and caber because if your running deca then you can have prolaction build up which is no good my brother.. im kinda concerned bro



New member

using Nolva as an AI is an old school method that is no longer necessary, but alot of cats came up just doin Nolva on cycle



New member

Wally World is body gel and chapstick they sell that Muscle Tech garbage, old EAS, and muscle Fortress shit. You get 5% of what you're looking for. 




Nolva does nothing to bind or reduce estro, but only blocks receptors primarily in the breast tissue from taking in the aromatase enzyme. It's what was used before ai's were discovered. However nolva does nothing to block 19nor caused gyno. AI's are far more superior because they either bind up the aromatase enzyme and prevent it from being converted like adex, or it actually kills the aromatase enzyme like aro does. 




If you are in an active state of gyno nolva can be used along side an ai to block the receptors in the breast tissue from taking in the aromatase enzyme. This method is better used in combination with aro because nolva interferes with the effectiveness of adex. If combined with adex you should raise your dose of adex. 20 mg nolva per day along with an ai does the trick. This should never have to be used if you listen to the signs and symptoms your body gives you. I was a dumbass that didn't listen and used this method to stop active gyno. Now I have a small non visable lump under my right nip. 


dolf this is very helpful thank bro, so just to clarify running a 19nor obviously best to listen and stay in tune with your body for prolactin sides, use caber as needes but it gyno starts to take hold for whatever reason this method (aro + nolva) does effectively cease the gyno? although obviously not recommended and can be avoided with ai use and Da as needed.




No sir this method will not stop gyno caused by a 19nor. Caber or prami have to be used. For most people keeping your e2 under control while using a 19nor will prevent prolactin sides.

Stadard aas gyno is caused by excess estro in your body. Just like a young female entering puberty the excessive estro will cause your body to start developing fatty breast tissue. 

19nor gyno is caused from excessive prolactin build up in the body. Just like a pregnant female the excess prolactin signals the body to start lactating in order to feed her newborn, so prolactin will cause your breast tissue to lactate. 

This is why having a clear understanding of each type of gyno is vital. Learning how to detect and quickly treat elevated e2 is so important before moving on to using 19nors. You see us harp on tren usage a lot, but it's really a smarter move to run several non 19nor multi compound cycles before moving into 19nors (npp, deca, tren). Also running npp as your first experience with 19nors is the smart route too. It's the mildest and most forgiving of the 19nor family.

