muscle tech



I am gonna say he knows all this stuff from reading and putting into play what he reads to see how he reacts to what he has read. Also Scandal, I would bet that he has a true love/passion for AAS and training. I cant believe how fascinated I am with AAS.  I would also bet that being the great human being that he is he feels an obligation to learn and share as much knowledge and experience that he has to help his fellow brothers..  That Man helped me Greatly....


dolf as always you are above and beyond helpful, I was having a little trouble wrapping my head around this for some reason and this laid it out so well for me it's crystal clear my friend! I took some notes and walked away far more educated.. thanks brother!!

That's why I feel like guys shouldn't take deca or tren unless they learn more about those compounds. I know we can't really stop anyone. I'm just glad there are forums like this one to help guide some of these guys in the right direction. I wish I would of had this when I first started.



I learned some by reading up on the Internet, but really learned the most by being active here and learning from guys who are much more experienced and aas smarter than myself. I enjoy learning about aas, and feel obligated to pay it forward by helping others in the same manor.

Just stick around, read, pay attention, and ask questions when you don't understand something. In a few months your knowledge will explode.




Thanks for the kind words strong!

A lot of work, trial, and error has been put in by the old school guys like milkin, and the best way we can repay them is by keeping it going and making review sites even better. It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside if I can help someone have a good and productive cycle. It gives me a little sense of accomplishment. 



New member

Just remember that stuff sells for a reason.  Cool names, good marketing, and usually plenty of sugar or caffeine to give you an effect to make you think it's working great.  They are good at making money overcharging for lackluster products.

Find the few herbal supplements, proteins, BCAA, and other supporters that you want to use and buy them separately.  Will save loads of money, and will have exactly what you want without all the fluff and flash that companies like MuscleTech that allow them to charge so much.

I have wasted thousands on shit supps in my day...Boron,Vanadyl Sulfate, Russian Bear, and God knows what else years ago.  Very little has changed in the supp industry the last 20 years, aside from they have loads more money to spend on marketing, packaging, and celebrity endorsers.....why do they have this money?  Because idiots like me bought their shit when I was younger :)



New member

 Thats for sure bro ...if ima spend alot of cash ill just stock up on AAS ..i  just run 20g creatine .250g protien and a preworkout ...thays it ..beside all my AAS
