My bulking cycle.


New member

Hey guys. I'm new to the family and just wanted to share my cycle with you all. This is my first serious bulk cycle but I have about 3 years worth of researching and 4 years of training and getting all the knowledge together before jumping on the AAS wagon. My cycle is as follows.

Drinking 2 gallons of water a day.

Week 1-5 Anadrol 50mg a day. (That is all my body will tolerate. Headaches, blood pressure, etc.)

Week 1-12 Test E at 750mg. 250mg Mon/Wed/Fri. I pre-loaded 1 gram on week 1.

Week 2-12 Nandrolone NPP at 525mg. 175mg on Mon/Wed/Fri. (I waited until my preload week was over before starting the NPP to make sure the test E long ester would kick in before the shorter ester NPP did. Didn't want to take the chance of getting shut down hard right out of the gate.)

Week 1-12 Aromasin 6.25mg on Mon/Wed/Fri. (not estrogen sensitive at all)

Week 1-12 Vitamin B-6 200mg a day to help control prolactin/progestin. (Will increase if need arises.) Have Caber on hand, but I'm not a fan of it and I choose to only use it if need arises.

Week 1-12 Milk Thistle 600mg a day for liver support.

After cycle is complete I am going to run test at 250 for a few weeks then at 125 for a few weeks to give my body time to preserve the new muscle before coming off and doing the complete pct. Also this will ensure the 19 nor compound is completely out of my system making pct much easier.

I have everything imaginable on hand lol. Arimidex, Aromasin, Caber, Nolvadex, Clomid, Hcg 10,000IU, and enough extra test to cruise for years lol. So my pct is already in place.

I'm only on week 3 and already up 17 pounds and strong as a horse. I started at 175 and am at 192 now. I'm going to keep packing weight on until 200-205 and then start cleaning it up. I'm starting to swell up like a puffer fish but look big and strong lol. Ppl at the gym already know I'm on some good stuff lol. I'm putting down around 4,500 calories, 700 carbs, and 200-250 protein a day. Training 6 days a week 2 hours a day. My body is just responding INSANELY well to the gear and I can literally see gains from day to day and feel my muscles growing throughout the day. At week 3 I have zero libido issues, ball shrinkage, or any side effects other than what is standard with Anadrol with headaches and bp. I don't see myself needing to go any higher on dose for a long time. Only at week 3 and seeing insane results :).  






Well-known member

Thanks for sharing.

Your results in this first three weeks is from the a-bombs. As you must know anadrol is known for size gains and massive strength gains and that is why it is a favorite of powerlifters. Be prepared to lose a lot of strength upon cessation of anadrol.

It appear you have done some research and are committed. And since you have already begun not much else left to say other than I wish you the very best on this cycle and hope you achieve your goals.





Good work brother, Next time with NPP, Try out Sust instead of Test E. I've run it both ways and liked the sust better.. Nice cycle. I'm sure you know your body but be careful with 12.5 Aro. Don't want to crash that E2. Unless you are estro sensitive I'd hit that E3D.


Mister A


I'm much more interested in your PCT experience. 500 to 250 to 125 to PCT could have a significant benefit to the psychological fallout associated with PCT. I'd bump your water up to 2-3 gallons a day while you run Drol. On days I do anything less than 2 gallons, I notice it.



New member

Two things: You'll find that if you pulse the drol for two weeks on two off you'll notice more and beneficial strength gains along with size from it. I found out personally that in terms of mass gain after 6-8 weeks of usage drol stalls out. Pulsing it will keep your body guessing and won't allow it to become "accustomed" to it. Also helps with liver toxity. Second I like your taper towards pct. Done that and pct was easier and kept more.



New member

Thanks SemperFi, I really appreciate the support. Yeah I felt the anadrol literally from day 1. And my source makes the strongest I've ever encountered. It's pretty insane! But I definitely was still able to tell when the NPP kicked in and almost felt that since I'm only on 50mg of anadrol, the strength from the NPP was even more. So I'm really hoping it's still going to be pretty strong even after the anadrol is out of my system. We shall see in a few weeks I suppose.



New member

Thanks Strong, I really appreciate it brother. That is actually exactly my plan is to run sust next time. I have a source that has sust 350 and am thinking next cycle I'm going to run 700 sust and aroung 500-600 NPP. And I appreciate the advice on the Aromasin. I'm actually not prone to estrogen whatsoever. I've run Dianabol at 50mg a day with no AI for 5 weeks straight with zero sides and felt like a million bucks. So I think I will go with 12.5 Mon and Thurs and that will probably do me just fine. I know the symptoms to watch for, so I can adjust it down the line if it tries to rise on me. I appreciate it.



New member

Thanks Mister A. I am really hopeful as well that the pct will work out nicely for me like that. I know the first months after you build the muscle it's easier to lose it. So, I thought that might give me an advantage and let my body preserve it a little longer and not be as susceptible to crashing and losing as much. And I have already taken your advice and have upped my water even more. That anadrol and this heat really pull it out of you!



New member

Thanks Hades, that's a really good idea. The anadrol is starting to drive my bp up and dehydrate me no matter how much water I drink. So I think I will give that a try and go off a few weeks and then back on. I'll still keep the dosage at 50mg though. That is literally all my body will handle. I tried 100mg one single time, and it messed me up bad! HORRIBLE migraine, high bp, felt overall horrible for 2 days. My source makes crazy strong drol. So I'll try what you said and stick with 50mg. And I am hopeful that doing pct that way will help me as well like it did you. I appreciate it brother!



New member

BP is nothing to play with. Back off the drol and come back to it later. Like I said...pulse it and you'll feel and enjoy it much better. I've taken drol anywhere from 25mgs to 150 and to be honest if it's great drol there is no need for more than 50. Between great drol at 50mgs and taking 150 mgs I could tell no difference because 50 treated me right. I hope it will help you also brotha! Keep us posted.



New member

I really appreciate it brother! I'm going to do that and go off starting tomorrow for 2 weeks. I know I'll lose strength initially, but I could DEFINITELY tell when the NPP kicked in. It actually felt stronger than the drol to be honest. I had great strength gains on the Drol for the previous 2 weeks, but when I went to the gym to do chest at the 10 day mark for NPP, all of a sudden my bench went up like 30 pounds over night. I got 265 for 2 and then repped 225 for 8 like it was child's play. Bench has always been a weak point for me. So, at 190 pounds that was awesome for me personally with my history.



Well-known member


Take BP issues very seriously. It is one of the leading causes that can lead to death!

I recommend monitoring it DAILY, if not more. You can make temporary corrections to your BP through supplementation- hawthorn berry, cinnamon, celery seed, cialis, viagra, etc.

I run hawthorn and cialis (for obvious reasons).

Please be safe because the reward is not worth the risk.




Well-known member

Studies have shown that the highest effective dose of drol is 100mg/ED. After that the rewards do not outweigh the cost to your health or pocket book. In fact, in the same study, 100mg/ED shows very little additional strength gain over 50mg/ED.

Reference- Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 284: E120-E128, 2003. First published September 24, 2002; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00363.2002 0193-1849/03 Br J Nutr. 1996 Jan;75(1):129-38.




New member

Couldn't agree more. Like I stated to the op..I felt no difference when it cane to accurately dosed product. Any higher is only advisable when medical attention or condition arrives and even then that comes with constant monitoring. After all it was created for anemia patients then later found its place in bodybuilding 




Im curious as to why the carbs way higher that your protein. I  believe 2gr protein per pound of body weight is more ideal on a bulk that just 1 gr. At 197, protein could be 394, rather than 250. so raising protein by 144 you can reduce carbs by 144 to 566, and maybe increase fat a little bit to further reduce carbs. The high carbs, from my recollection, may attribute to higher bp. Others with more experience may chime in on this notion....



New member

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the advice and support. The Anadrol was the sole source of my bp issues. It never got dangerously high, but enough to watch it. I am pulsing it and taking 2 weeks off and then will go back on and watch it carefully. And as far as the NPP, I've played with the dosage for myself, and at the moment I'm loving 525mg a week with test e at 750 to balance it. I'm doing 175mg mon/wed/fri and am seeing awesome gains in size and strength and experiencing absolutely zero sides. I started out at 300mg a week because that's what it seems like everyone is recommending for first time NPP users. But to be honest, I think that's too low for massive gains. For the serious gains I personally think 500 and above is where it's at. I'm at 525 and experiencing no issues. Zero shutdown, my balls are exactly the same as day 1 and haven't touched the hcg stockpile. Haven't needed to touch the caber, and am running Aromasin at very low dosages. Barely even feel like I need it. I'm not at all estrogen sensitive and just pop a 1/4 of one every once in awhile as a precaution but have no bloat or symptoms that estrogen is high at all. When I was running my AI at normal doses it was taking estrogen too low. Apparently I'm just not someone that needs much AI. My results are coming along nicely. My neck is getting much broader and vascular, my arms are seriously growing by the day. My biceps are growing so much at the bottom of the peak at the crease of the elbow that when I do reverse curls my biceps and forearms are actually pinching each other and is kinda painful. The biggest guy in the gym told me today that he was noticing I was swelling up. So, that told me everything I needed to know lol.





Adrol and dbol are both notorious for elevating bp because of the massive bloat that they have. Bloat will elevate bp. As long as it's 140 over 90 or below thats in the normal range. When you start hitting 160 over 100 or higher then you need to be concerned. High bp carries the risk of stroke with it.

Two other compounds that will elevate bp are eq and proviron, so keep an eye on bp with those two also.



Well-known member

Quick increases in vascularity can be a sign of rising BP. Much of our vascularity on cycle is actually because of the thickening of our blood and the rise in BP.

The systolic number (the top number or highest blood pressure when the heart is squeezing and pushing the blood round the body) is more important than the diastolic number (the bottom number or lowest blood pressure between heart beats) because it gives the best idea of your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

It is very possible to have a high systolic and a normal diastolic and vice versa.





Adrol, dbol, eq, and proviron all raise my bp. That's why I won't use two or more of these at the same time unless I'm kicking with drol or dbol in an eq cycle since the orals are done before the eq really kicks in.

Another thing I forgot to add was donating blood can help reduce bp. Many compounds cause a steep rise in red blood cells which thickens the blood. Thicker blood is harder for the heart to push around the body and will also cause a rise in bp. I personally like donating the double red blood cell but regular or double does help. Plus you are helping to save lives with superhuman blood. ; )



New member

Dbol surprisingly did nothing for me as far as weight gain and didn't effect my bp whatsoever even at 50mg a day for 5 weeks. It just made me feel great and gave me super strength. But drol is doing everything. Weight gain, strength, size, but also gives me headaches and bp issues. I'm thinking the highest my bp ever got was 148 over 80. But at that, I could feel that it was high and was effecting how I felt.
