My bulking cycle.


New member

You hit the nail on the head Semper FI. My top number tends to get high and my bnottem number stay more in the normal range. Injectables and unhealthy eating don't seem to phase my bp whatsoever. Even dbol and prohormones never have. Only Anadrol. I'm honestly thinking this will probably be the last time I'll use orals. Liver problems run in my family anyway(I take milk thistle year round to combat this and hopefully prevent it from becoming a problem for me one day like it has for some relatives and high doses while on cycle), so I'm thinking I'll finish this bottle of drol, and from now on I'm just going to run injectables at a higher dosage and stick with 2 compounds. I have really bad joints as it is, and have stomach problems and insomnia. So, I'm thinking Tren is probably never going to happen for me. I'm probably just going to stick with test and NPP and just up the doses as I go. I'm thinking next cycle I'll run Sustanon 350 at 1050mg a week and NPP around 700 and just leave it at that. Truth be told, weighing gains verse harshness on your body. I bet sust 1050 and NPP 700 is less harsh and would yield even better results than running test e 750 and NPP 525 but running drol 50 for 5 weeks. Think I'll just stick with injectables at higher doses in the future and not put my liver through any more harshness and should still see amazing results with those stacks.




John, Those are pretty high doses for someone who doesn't have a plan to compete. Some of the smartest people I have met on here think less is more.  I have run some pretty high doses and its not necessary. Please keep in mind that at 27 YO you don't want to desensitize your receptors. There is nothing wrong if you are satisfied with your current doses to use the same.  Really man, Its not all about the doses. Sure, I have played with some pretty heavy doses to experiment but I got 20 years on you. I just want you to think about overall health and longevity...



New member

Thanks Strong and Semper Fi, I definitely hear you guys. I definitely don't want to get the doses too high too fast and desensitize my receptors like you said. I will keep the doses reasonable and not plan on going that high until in the distant future. I am seeing great results with the doses I'm on now. So, I'll just stick with that until I no longer feel they are sufficient to reach my goals. I appreciate it guys.



Well-known member

You are welcome.

Just remember this is a marathon not an all out sprint to the finish line. I have always been more than content with my end results at much lower doses than you are considering.

You have your youth, desire and discipline on your side so do not over rely on AAS to reach your goals. ;)





+2 john i appreciate you taking the time to lay out your cycle ect. semi said , dont be shocked when you drop the a's and strenght comes down but you most deffently put research in.   And welcome to the family.  Sieg. 
