Need Help With Next Bulking Cycle


New member
For my next bulk, I plan on doing a test E and deca cycle, but I need help figuring out what pct I should do and what I should take during the cycle to reduce side effects. I plan on taking 500mg test e weekly and 500mg deca weekly for a 20-week cycle. Any tips as well are greatly appreciated :)


Well-known member
Take less deca or more test or your dick will probably stop working at 100% capacity. Or add 300mgs masteron if youre dead set on having 500 of both.

Personally, I'd taper up from 500 a week to a 1000 for the first 5 weeks, then back down to 500 over last 5 weeks on test alone. Nice and simple.

Don't know anything about pct. I'm always on.


Well-known member
I generally like to take a 2:1 ratio of testosterone to deca unless my doses are very low for HRT like right now. Right now I take 50mg of each 3 times a week. Masteron is a great addition to keep any estrogenic side effects away.


New member
I generally take Clomid after cycles for pct, but since I'm adding deca I didnt know if I needed something else afterwards. I don't wanna blast and cruise just yet I still like cycling.


Well-known member
I generally take Clomid after cycles for pct, but since I'm adding deca I didnt know if I needed something else afterwards. I don't wanna blast and cruise just yet I still like cycling.
If you don’t have any progesterone side effects from the deca like softer erections or prolactin related gyno then clomid, HCG, and nolvadex are the old school Stack that works. Look into getting enclomiphene instead of regular clomid. Clomid has two components. One of the two gives you those emotional feelings like a woman with pms. Enclomiphene is the component that does all the positive things with none of the negative. 👍
If you do have progesterone/prolactin related issues look into adding cabergoline, pramipexole, or raloxifene. I usually went with pramipexole because it isn’t faked like cabergoline. Legit cabergoline is pricey. I haven’t used raloxifene so I don’t have experience I can share with that.


Well-known member
Deca metabolites will be in your system for up to 18 months, don't think anything can act on that. So far as I'm aware your still only trying to get natural production going so wouldn't need anything else.

Even tamoxifen seems overkill, if you have no hormones to convert to E, what's it guarding against lol


New member
I'm not very familiar with the compounds and their names to combat estrogen side effects since I've only done test cycles in the past. Here are the compounds I have at my disposal. What should I take and how much of it?


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Well-known member
I've only used letrozole for leaky tren nipple, with caber and moxi. It's an aromatase inhibitor not really for pct.

Cabergoline is a dopamine agonist and can get progesterone related gyno under control. Unlikely you'd need it.

If you can get Enclomathine instead of clomid use that and hcg to kick-start your HPTA (thats your balls mexhanism of hormone production) then moxi/nolva once hormones start to increase if your nipples start feeling spicey. My knowledge is theoretical however, so bear that in mind.

Also, I have terrible judgement and impaired decision making abilities. Taking my advice could be bad for your health.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
Definitely will have dick problems with those ratios. You want to keep Nandrolone half your test base. So if you wanna run 500mg of test. Deca should be 250.
Honestly though in my humble opinion. If you can handle Tren, I’d run that instead of Deca.
Way better compound. Less water retention. And it just works better. Or NPP.
As far as estrogeic sides. Well I really don’t get sides. But I definitely would not take any AI’s unless you have done bloodwork and have numbers and know your estrogen is high, and needs brought back down. AI’s are hard on your body. Or they are for me at least. Dry me out, make my joints hurt and I Loose some gains from taking them.


New member
If you are thinking about deca, look into a deca only cycle. You do not need test as is the common assumption. Look up for some great info on how it is done. Also, 20 weeks is way too long. The gains plateau around 6 weeks in and then you constantly have to change things around. Much better to do shorter blasts and take a few weeks off and then repeat.
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Well-known member
Definitely will have dick problems with those ratios. You want to keep Nandrolone half your test base. So if you wanna run 500mg of test. Deca should be 250.
Honestly though in my humble opinion. If you can handle Tren, I’d run that instead of Deca.
Way better compound. Less water retention. And it just works better. Or NPP.
As far as estrogeic sides. Well I really don’t get sides. But I definitely would not take any AI’s unless you have done bloodwork and have numbers and know your estrogen is high, and needs brought back down. AI’s are hard on your body. Or they are for me at least. Dry me out, make my joints hurt and I Loose some gains from taking them.
If you are thinking about deca, look into a deca only cycle. You do not need test as is the common assumption. Look up for some great info on how it is done. Also, 20 weeks is way too long. The gains plateau around 6 weeks in and then you constantly have to change things around. Much better to do shorter blasts and take a few weeks off and then repeat.
These are both terrible suggestions. Sorry if anyone's butt hurts reading that.

Well-known member
Definitely will have dick problems with those ratios. You want to keep Nandrolone half your test base. So if you wanna run 500mg of test. Deca should be 250.
there are people who report good results at 1:1 ratios, although most people report good results at 3:2 (1.5:1) ratio of Test:Deca.
If you can handle Tren, I’d run that instead of Deca.
Tren is not safer than Deca for sure. Moreover, Deca is a better bulker than Tren.
I've tried deca only using shorter blast cycles. It worked great.
how was your T doing? what do you mean by "shorter" blast cycles?


New member
For PCT, consider Nolvadex or Clomid. During the cycle, use Arimidex or Aromasin for estrogen levels. Watch your blood pressure and take liver support.


New member
If you are thinking about deca, look into a deca only cycle. You do not need test as is the common assumption. Look up for some great info on how it is done. Also, 20 weeks is way too long. The gains plateau around 6 weeks in and then you constantly have to change things around. Much better to do shorter blasts and take a few weeks off and then repeat.
Unfortunately my post was edited and is basically useless without the info for getting the best ACCURATE information.

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
there are people who report good results at 1:1 ratios, although most people report good results at 3:2 (1.5:1) ratio of Test:Deca.

Tren is not safer than Deca for sure. Moreover, Deca is a better bulker than Tren.

how was your T doing? what do you mean by "shorter" blast cycles?
The reason I said that was because I was running 400mg Deca And 500mg test and definitely had dick problems.
Also you’re some what correct. Deca was a little better for bulking. But it was mostly water weight. I looked like a water balloon. Wasn’t solid gains. Also it fucked with my dick. And if you can believe it. It also fucked with my head a little. It kinda killed my motivation.
Upon switching to Tren I felt the gains are more solid. Hardly any water retention. My dick worked again. And my motivation and attitude improved. And that was off 100mg Tren A. I’m harder and look more grainy and jacked on the Tren.
So yes I’ll stick by my previous comment. I think Tren works better than Deca. For me personally.
The only thing I could see myself using Deca for again is maybe some small amounts once in a while for joint lubrication.
I like the results from Tren better. But to each their own.
I wouldn’t say my suggestion was a terrible idea. 😊


Well-known member
The reason I said that was because I was running 400mg Deca And 500mg test and definitely had dick problems.
Also you’re some what correct. Deca was a little better for bulking. But it was mostly water weight. I looked like a water balloon. Wasn’t solid gains. Also it fucked with my dick. And if you can believe it. It also fucked with my head a little. It kinda killed my motivation.
Upon switching to Tren I felt the gains are more solid. Hardly any water retention. My dick worked again. And my motivation and attitude improved. And that was off 100mg Tren A. I’m harder and look more grainy and jacked on the Tren.
So yes I’ll stick by my previous comment. I think Tren works better than Deca. For me personally.
The only thing I could see myself using Deca for again is maybe some small amounts once in a while for joint lubrication.
I like the results from Tren better. But to each their own.
I wouldn’t say my suggestion was a terrible idea. 😊
I think people respond differently to various compounds. I’ve been on deca or NPP year round for the last decade with the exception of 9 months that I stopped all gear. I don’t bloat at all from nandrolones, and don’t get dick issues. I get horny from progesterone derivatives. I’ve talked to others who react the same way I do but most people react the way you do. Just have to figure out what’s best for your own body and go with it. 👍

Well-known member
But to each their own.
you're right
I wouldn’t say my suggestion was a terrible idea. 😊
yeah, but it is better to try small to find what's better for you.
I think people respond differently to various compounds. I’ve been on deca or NPP year round for the last decade with the exception of 9 months that I stopped all gear. I don’t bloat at all from nandrolones, and don’t get dick issues. I get horny from progesterone derivatives. I’ve talked to others who react the same way I do but most people react the way you do. Just have to figure out what’s best for your own body and go with it. 👍
well, it proves again that we're all different.
I've seen many members suggesting that they do not respond well to Deca, while others say it is God's sent.