Needle/syringe selection for HGH


New member
Just after some advice in making sure I get the right size syringe/needles for hgh cycle in the metric system.
And also peoples advice on dosage/cycle for most efficient results. Thanks!


Well-known member
You use insulin needless for HGH and use it subcutaneously. extremely easy.
The cycle is no less than 8-12 weeks because HGH takes a long time to bring results. Some use it lifetime as an HRT.
Dosage depends on your goals and experience. Can be from 1 to like 10 IU per day


New member
You use insulin needless for HGH and use it subcutaneously. extremely easy.
The cycle is no less than 8-12 weeks because HGH takes a long time to bring results. Some use it lifetime as an HRT.
Dosage depends on your goals and experience. Can be from 1 to like 10 IU per day
Thanks for the reply.
I’m going to Ibiza in 15-16 weeks so I’m jumping on for that. So I want as fast results as possible. I’ve done a few cycles over the years , I’m not expecting results to happen as quick as that.. so what would you recommend to start with ? Also the whole IU confuses me lol. If I have a 1ml Syringe what does that translate to say I start on 4 IU a day ?


Well-known member
Fast results would be test prop, mast prop and tren ace, with anadrol for last month so you really pop once you're cut.

Not suggesting you do that. But I wouldn't expect 16 weeks on growth to be showing all that much unless your throwing some serious £££ at it or leverageing other compounds.


Well-known member
16 weeks is enough to provide growth with HGH, given you use 4 IU a day with a great diet and workout plan.
As for IU to 1ml syringes, it depends. There are HGH which comes as powders 50 IU/vial or 100 IU/vial. You need to reconstitute the powder with bac water. If you mix the 50 IU/vial with 10 ml, then 1 ml will provide 5 IU. If you mix the 100IU/vial with 10 ml then 1 ml will provide 10 IU. hope you got the idea.
HGH may also come as pre-mixed liquids, as pens, and so on...
planning to use other steroids with it?


New member
16 weeks is enough to provide growth with HGH, given you use 4 IU a day with a great diet and workout plan.
As for IU to 1ml syringes, it depends. There are HGH which comes as powders 50 IU/vial or 100 IU/vial. You need to reconstitute the powder with bac water. If you mix the 50 IU/vial with 10 ml, then 1 ml will provide 5 IU. If you mix the 100IU/vial with 10 ml then 1 ml will provide 10 IU. hope you got the idea.
HGH may also come as pre-mixed liquids, as pens, and so on...
planning to use other steroids with it?
Oh yeah that makes sense. I’m getting the powder form. Do you suggest a stack with steroids ?
As I’m starting from a reasonable base that I’m happy with I’m hoping to just get the main upper body muscle groups are bit bigger (chest, arms, shoulders) , but also want to strip some body fat around the ab region. Is it possible/ anything I can take to help this (along with diet) ? Or is too counter productive to try strip body fat and also grow lean muscle ?


Well-known member
Do you suggest a stack with steroids ?
it's up to you. you need to understand that HGH and steroids are two different things that work in different ways!
s it possible/ anything I can take to help this (along with diet) ?
of course, the diet (calorie deficit with proper macro balance) is the number one thing you should focus on when it comes to stripping body fat around ab region. the second thing you should pay attention to is increasing the activity level. but yeah, HGH itself has been proven by many studies to help aid the fat burning around the ab region. Steroids, clenbuterol, and numerous others can help, but remember that the more compounds you use (and the higher their dosage), the higher the risk of side effects.
Or is too counter productive to try strip body fat and also grow lean muscle ?
that's possible as long as you have a perfect diet, workout plan, and rest enough.


New member
it's up to you. you need to understand that HGH and steroids are two different things that work in different ways!

of course, the diet (calorie deficit with proper macro balance) is the number one thing you should focus on when it comes to stripping body fat around ab region. the second thing you should pay attention to is increasing the activity level. but yeah, HGH itself has been proven by many studies to help aid the fat burning around the ab region. Steroids, clenbuterol, and numerous others can help, but remember that the more compounds you use (and the higher their dosage), the higher the risk of side effects.

that's possible as long as you have a perfect diet, workout plan, and rest enough.
I’ve got left over tren and test E. Reckon either/both of those would compliment it ?