New Guy to The forum

I wanted to introduce myself and state a little about me. I'm 39 years old. I've been in and out of the gym since I was 14. I was a contractor most my life and between the long days, travel time, kids, etc at certain points the gym became impossible. Last year I decided to focus solely on training. I will be competing in my first Mens Physique show in April.

My stats;
14% BF

Gear Ive ran the last year
Started with 500 test, 300 Npp and 40 winny for recomp
followed up with 500 test, 250 deca 40 dbol (kicked the dbol after 4 weeks)
In 3 weeks ill be running 500 Test, 300 tren and 300 mast.
I blast and cruise so between cycles I am running 250 test.

thanks for letting me join. I welcome feedback and constructive constructive criticism

Well-known member
Hey there. Welcome to the board. Glad to have experienced people around.
just a little notice: maybe start with milder compounds than Trenbolone? since you haven't been on gear for a year and just restarted your journey. I guess you know Tren is a powerful thing
I’ve ran other cycles throughout my life. Before this year it was 5 years ago. Still think waiting is the best idea cause it’s been so long? I was going to go with Ace just in case the sides were too much. What would u run in its place for a hardener?(no orals preferably)


Well-known member
yeah if you jump on Trenbolone, the Acetate ester is the best option due to reason you mentioned.
As in terms of something else and no oral - it could be Primobolan.
I guess you know that there's actually no compound that works the same way as Trenbolone so don't expect anything too much. But that's just to get reintroduced to the steroids again. Primo is far from Tren strength, but is far not as dangerous in terms of side effects too.
So you could try Test + Primo, maybe with some Mast. Later you would add Tren.
But why don't you want orals? because of liver toxicity? I noticed you said you were running both Dbol and Winstrol
yeah if you jump on Trenbolone, the Acetate ester is the best option due to reason you mentioned.
As in terms of something else and no oral - it could be Primobolan.
I guess you know that there's actually no compound that works the same way as Trenbolone so don't expect anything too much. But that's just to get reintroduced to the steroids again. Primo is far from Tren strength, but is far not as dangerous in terms of side effects too.
So you could try Test + Primo, maybe with some Mast. Later you would add Tren.
But why don't you want orals? because of liver toxicity? I noticed you said you were running both Dbol and Winstrol
Yeah liver toxicity. I got blood work back and my enzymes were a little high so wanting this one to be oral free. I was on Dbol when I got the blood work done so I’m sure that’s why they were high, but just being a cautious and running without orals this go.