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Well-known member

Just remember ....

PED's are not a magic bullet. There are no short cuts and you are not special or the exception to the rule. ;) AAS are a tool and benefits will be drastically hindered unless you have ALL your disciplines in order before beginning supplementation.

Good luck.




New member

My problem is i smoke after meals. I eat alot of restaurant food and home cooked meals but the fact i smoke i think plays a part. I workout not as much because im not seeing gains. Im just cuttin up...



New member

I wanna get dbol 50mgs pills for first cycle....Thats why i wanna get my diet plan and workout plan together...i wanna take baby steps to get to needling myself 




I think that's a bad plan.

You need to get the basics dialed in, and once you have blown through your noon gains you can look into a cycle. 

Have you posted stats yet? 



Well-known member

The right foods are the most anabolic substance you can put into your body. Diet not good.... wasting your time. ;)

Check it out -





Your steps are backwards then. First dial in your diet and training. Those two areas are your starting point, dear! Not the other way around. Anabolics don't magically fix poor diet and bad training regimens. These are simply tools to help you along way. If you are not ready for pinning, You simply are not yet ready to cycle PROPERLY. The brothers can and will guide you, but ultimately you must make the decision to do this thing the RIGHT way. BUT WILL BY NO MEANS CONDONE IMPROPER CYCLING TECHNIQUES




Check out mike wines,  he went from 135 to 190, and a job at muscle and fitness.

You just need to eat and train right,  not dbol.

And quit smoking,  FFS 

Pots ok but no fucking cigs. 



New member

Try out SARMS bro. ligandrol is a good bulker. Or maybe andro-1. Get your diet dialed in begin training on a regular basis. Wait till you hit 170-175. Then start thinking about running a test only cycle. were in no way trying to bash you here. Just looking out for You brother. believe it or not SARMS give you some pretty damn good gains That stick! Especially for virgin muscles. 



New member

No cig smoking. Only weed. I admit my eating is bad. I need a food layout chart to start a nice bulk diet. I wake up with no appetite as is and i drink monsters as a breakfast supplement. Smh.. Would be great to just have a layout chart with the foods to eat at breakfast lunch between etc so my diet is up to par before juice cycle. 



New member

No cig smoking. Only weed. I admit my eating is bad. I need a food layout chart to start a nice bulk diet. I wake up with no appetite as is and i drink monsters as a breakfast supplement. Smh.. Would be great to just have a layout chart with the foods to eat at breakfast lunch between etc so my diet is up to par before juice cycle. 




And like i told you , your going to put about 25lbs on real quick.  .PROBLEM ,its going to be water , and then when you stop , there goes your weight how is that going to make you feel ....???? Oh welcome , carpe knows me very well and trust me im not picking on you ,im telling you facts ...theres nothing i wont do to help you meet you goal ...

Many ppl here got this same sermin from me , they were scared to pin...after pin #1.   Theres nothing to it 

1st we need to get you up to around 180 lbs natty , and here is more hard. Love ....seems weed is a little more important to you , than 180????   Oh i smoke every night my friend ...but it doesnt hinder my gains .

So you need to prioritize some shit here..also like burr said you think your eating 3500 cals i would bet all my juoce your coming in around 2800- 3000.  I seen it with me .

So once agion a question , how important is 180 lbs for you ??? Now i garantee i dont care who it is you up your cals to a truly 4000.  And the weight will , jump on you but THESE ARE YOUR CHOICE  

And welcome agion




Stun, The best part of MG is guiding people not spoon feeding Them. If you need a diet chart just google "a Mass building diet for bodybuilders" You will see many options to go with. Bodybuilding Doesn't = Steroids... Get your priorities in order. #1 &1a... Get that diet right and start training smart. Don't talk about things like No appetite and Monsters for breakfast, That's crap.  This is a no excuse way of life. You are no where near doing a cycle brother. You have a lot of work to do as far as education. There are many side effects to this game that are potentially dangerous. We are all grown men and women here that work our asses off and many of us have lived through hell already. It makes training till your about to pass out easy. Theres no excuse of no time or sick so strike that shit right here.

Now the positive. Everyone here will help you get the results you want but you have to be a tireless worker. That starts with educating yourself first. I had 2 rough situations this week due to steroid use. I was able to identify and get through them from the knowledge I have. My knowledge is safely using steroids and identifying side effects and just basically trying to keep it safe as possible. Others dive further into the game with the biological side. We all can benefit you and God Bless  ITS FREE...

I'd like to see you slow down a bit and get that diet, workout and education going..  No oral only cycles here bro. If you listen you will be successful if not you will Fail. Guaranteed. Please don't think this is a negative post.




+2 I love mg ,  and stun will also if he listens he will be a fucking monster :))) 

We care will give you our last ounce of water , but you will help yourself achieve your goals 




Stunnaman1900 said:
</p><p>Thanks for welcoming me. And i believe him. I seen the results with my eyes. I need to gain 30lbs....thats my goal. </p><p>
.  </p><p> </p><p>If you google how to gain weight..... I bet it says FOOD</p>



Stunnaman1900 said:
</p><p>No health issues just a high metabolism. I eat like crazy but also smoke marijuana alot which sometimes surpress my appetite... I took a weight gainer called MASS helped but i stopped working out. Time got consume by other issues..</p><p>
.   </p><p> </p><p>Lmao.... Brother I started this game weighing 144lbs. Tried gear and thought that was my "solution". Bad mistake.. I gained 7lbs. Pissed away 4 of those. On a cycle just like yours...;). Lemme give you a secret. I learned from study, learning, listening. I found out that FOOD will make a lot of weight appear. I bet you don't truthfully eat 3000 a day. After that bs cycle I ran I started asking, and studying. I ate everything in the fukin house. My feet was sticking out fridge at 2 in morning. Gear is a booster.... Kids play with the shit everyday. This takes dedication, and heart. You can take as much gear as you want.... You'll piss and shit it away. Food and a lot of training puts the guns in the holster brother. Try eating 4500 calories for 2 months and see how much beef you put on. </p><p> </p><p>FOOD IS THE MOST ANABOLIC SUBSTANCE WE PUT IN OUR BODY...</p>



Stunnaman1900 said:
</p><p>No cig smoking. Only weed. I admit my eating is bad. I need a food layout chart to start a nice bulk diet. I wake up with no appetite as is and i drink monsters as a breakfast supplement. Smh.. Would be great to just have a layout chart with the foods to eat at breakfast lunch between etc so my diet is up to par before juice cycle. </p><p>
. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Food chart????  Lmao.... Brother I can tell you haven't done shit for research. A lot of "fuktards" <--- (love ya calm). Come in here because they have that ludacris idea that "just taking gear" will blow me up. No... And I mean no.... This takes work, A lot of work. Food is what really makes us "big guys".... Big. Gear is a booster, much like an energy drink. Eat a shiiiiiiit load of food. I mean you set an alarm clock just to get up and eat. Eat food until you can't, and then keep eating. I bet you gain weight. Brother I got into this at 132lbs and thought taking gear would do it all. I was so wrong and I wasted a lot of money, cause I thought just taking gear would be the seal.... No you gotta have diet plan, training plan...etc. Gear is your last resort. </p><p>I suggest that you put on 15lbs with food and training then look at your stats then decide whether you need gear.</p>