New Tricks for an Old Dog!


New member

My first post, and looking for some advice. I've been in the gym a long time and you know what that means, bad habits can slip into our routines. So what I am seeking is some objective feedback on what I am doing and if I can improve or if what I am doing is ok.  A little self analysis is always a good thing, just cause we know more than most of the guys in the gym doesn't mean we have all the answers.  So here I am, humble self, looking for help.

I am coming off major shoulder surgery last year and have switched my routine up from very heavy for my size, 245 Lbs. sets x 5-6 sets x 7-8 reps to start incline bench (weigh about 170 Lbs).  Good recovery on the surgery and back in the gym after about 51/2 months off. I don't push heavy any more.  I travel for work a lot and my schedule changes from week to week, but on average in the gym about 5 days.

What I have ran as far as a program nearly my entire life is a standard push-pull routine, back and biceps/forearms one day, chest and triceps the other day, Monday's I do legs.  I'm not sure if I am getting enough recovery time between days on my push pull routine, particularly when I might do a Tuesday Push, Weds Pull, Thursday Push, Friday Pull, Saturday Push, I sometimes feel like I might not be getting enough recovery, but I am afraid if I cut back, I'll drop some size or definition.

As far as goals, I've competed in Bodybuilding but now am a Physique competitor and hopefully I'll get my pro card in 2016, at least my coach thinks I have a chance and he's a veteran competitor.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.




New member

you should give PPL a try, which is a push, pull, leg, rest. routine. so this way your muscles are constantly getting hit but, you are always a few days rested on each body part before you hit it again, I have found good results on it atleast. And some times on the rest day I will do some accesory work like calves and some arms, or abs and calves. Its just nice also because I like doing back and traps together, and chest and shoulders, since those groups are so synergistic. And I really dont think you should be doing push, pull, push, pull... man I dont like that. I mean how can you go at really high intensity if you are hitting those that often? Gotta rest to grow. 




I'm doing a PPL routine and I'm pretty happy with it. It allows my 47 year old body a little recovery time and hits all the muscles every 3 days.

Push 4 sets each BP, Shoulder Press, Dip, overhead tricep, tricep pressdown

Pull 4 sets each- WG pulldown, seated row, upright row, face pull, ez curl

Legs 4 sets = Squat, stiff leg deads, leg press, leg curl, stand calf raise, seated calf raise...  




The five day split helps me gain mass when I work more than one muscle per day I lean up a bit  so depends on what direction I am pointed in   Personally five day split is my fav 



New member

I appreciate the feedback and advice, been doing this routine for a long time, years, and felt like I hit a plateau although I have cut from a heavy push to a lighter weight, higher rep push. I am leaning towards a modified Split schedule, one muscle group per day, I really don't need much leg work more than one day per week, they seem to respond extremely well. Thanks again MG brothers!
