

New member

just new to the site. have a question, just got put on trt by my doctor, im 38 yrs old, 6' 2" and 21% bf. my blood work came back with serum level at 9.4, and free level at 324. my doc said these numbers are low for my age. started me on 200mg test cyp every other week. will this be enough to notice anything in the gym or can i get some from a source and supplement it in?




Welcome bigstick_00. Please be sure to read our site rules and stay active in the forums.You will need to list your cycle history, if any, and be a bit more specific as to what your goals are. You can start by completing a proposed cycle in the steroid cycles forum where you will receive plenty of feedback for the community. +1 for your intro.



New member

Thanks milkin, will do! I have researched cycles and want to do it the right way, so I'll ive been doing is reading, reading, and more reading! I look forward to the help and will use the forums!




You are most welcome Bigstick_00 and you are approaching running AAS the correct way which is through research. Browse the forums, create your own proposed cycle forum for Q&A, and by all means, speak your mind. What good is review site if members must limit what they want to ask, act in a different manor because they want to fit in, or are afraid of getting flamed by others ?

Our members here communicate with a higher level of respect then what is exhibited on other review sites. You, or any other member, should never be afraid to speak your mind with the fear of getting flamed by other members. Respect is our #1 rule and we will not think twice about reprimanding members who violate this rule.

So, c'mon in, be yourself, and start learning.




You may Want to double check that dosage bro. 200mg e dry other week in not correct due to the half life of the compound he is prescribing. Your blood levels will be like a roller coaster at those dosages. Usually trt is 200mg/week.



New member

I thought that was kind of strange cause everybody else that I've talked to or videos I've watched on you tube is 200-250 every week. Thanks for the heads up. I just figured he's the doc and knows what he's doing.



New member

Haha unfortunately as sad as it seems the Dr's do NOT know what they are doing , especially when it comes to this stuff .  Create a thread and lets take it there.  BTW Glad to meet you !!



New member

Funny you say that standingup, when I had my initial appt with the doc, he said they have more experience treating women with HRT. I have a month and a half before my initial follow up, I'm sure my bloods will be checked again, and I will also ask about my dose and see if he will let me go every week instead of every other. Thru research it only makes sense to me, or at a minimum of every 10 days!



New member

Unfortunately on his regimen you will most likely experience some highs and lows due to unstable blood levels. That's ok though, you can keep him and then fix your self up on the side. All the info you will need is right here and in no time at all you'll be able to explain this stuff to him lol !
