
New member

Hello all, I've been researching gear for couple months now,
been looking through reddit, this forum, and other places. I want
someone's opinion on my first cycle ever, as well as some questions I have.

I am 21 years old, 5'8, 185 lbs (20% body fat). Test levels: ~350 ng/dL (I see my results tomorrow, this is my guess will update this when I see it)

I know my body fat isn't ideal for steroid use,
but I've taken it from 30% to 20% so I hope it's decent
enough. Basically, I've hit a plateau in my workouts and dieting,
and want the gear to push me to get a lower body fat percentage while getting completely yoked
before/during the summer time. I've never had abs, a good physique, or any of that.
I want women to fawn over me, swipe right on tinder, and for me to take
my shirt off at the pool/beach lmao.

-I workout 4-6 days a week doing push, pull, leg. I don't track calories right now
but I'm sure to get around 80-120g of protein, 100-150g carbs, and ~50g of fat
per day, which is what I'm doing currently while cutting.

My plan is to blast and cruise, I feel as once I'm on anabolics,
I won't necessarily want to get off them.


12 weeks:
-250 mg testosterone-enanthate - twice per week (tuesday & thursday) [so 500 mg in total]
-6.25 mg aromasin (exemestane) to limit side effects - every other day
-1 mg finasteride to prevent hair loss (super important) - daily

12 weeks:
-100 mg test-e - twice per week [so 200 mg in total]
-6.25 mg exemestane - EOD
-1 mg finasteride - daily

During my cycle I will be working out exactly 6 times per week (PPL). I will also have a strict
sleep schedule and will limit alcohol or any other substance. For my diet, I will start tracking calories again, and
I will be eating as much food as possible mainly focusing on protein and carb intake, while limiting fat:
~2800-3000 calories: 180-200g protein, 200-250g carbs, ~80-100g fat. Basically lean bulking, I'll probably eat
chipotle double chicken twice a day, eggs, plus protein powder here and there cause I don't know how to cook too well.

PCT (in case I decide not to blast/cruise):
12 weeks:
-clomid 25 mg ED
-exemestane 6.25 mg EOD
cialis(viagra) - 100mg x 100 (just in case for any reason)

-Do I need PCT if I'm blasting and cruising?
-Am I forgetting something or a medication that I need?
-What is your opinion on this cycle? Be brutally and completely honest, I need the whole truth

It still sort of feels like I have no idea what I'm doing, even after all the research I've done,
so any nudge into the right direction will be super helpful and I'll be grateful forever.

If you've read this whole post thank you so much! and thank you for any and all help!
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New member
what do you mean? You can get jacked without blasting and cruising - cycles are great and safer. Plus you can wait for a few years too.
Yeah you’re right a cycle seems safer I’ll look more into PCT. I just heard that post-cycle test drops are super wicked and I didn’t want to experience that


Well-known member
Hey there BigMan
I am 21 years old
At 21 you may start running steroids, but is highly recommended to be 25 - the ideal age of starting steroids. That's because of hormonal factors.
I know my body fat isn't ideal for steroid use,
I know guys starting steroids at higher bf.
Basically, I've hit a plateau in my workouts and dieting,
and want the gear to push me to get a lower body fat
so it means that you're working out and dieting for many months - why you might start roids. but then again, better wait a few more years.
I workout 4-6 days a week
make sure to get plenty of rest for such workout plans!
My plan is to blast and cruise, I feel as once I'm on anabolics,
I won't necessarily want to get off them.
that's a big mistake. always remaining on steroids is not safe, plus you're 21 only! you definitely shouldn't be blasting and cruising.
you do not have experience about steroids, your test levels should be fine at your age AND you're young! you may not run steroids at all, not to mention blasting and cruising. you have absolutely no good reasons of blasting and cruising. if you are absolutely sure you want to go the route of steorids, at least go for the cycles.
12 weeks:
-250 mg testosterone-enanthate - twice per week (tuesday & thursday) [so 500 mg in total]
-6.25 mg aromasin (exemestane) to limit side effects - every other day
-1 mg finasteride to prevent hair loss (super important) - daily
It sounds like a good first cycle as is recommended testosterone alone for the first time. dosage of aromasin sounds good too, but it may be adjusted according to how you feel (dry joints - reduce dosage) (water retention or sensitive nipples - increase dosage)
why you need finasteride considering it so important? do you know that is very likely to receive side effects from it? do your research. I understand you may be worried about hair loss at your age, but that's mostly genetic. is male pattern hair loss running in your family? I would hesitate adding finasteride because of tons of side effects it has.
12 weeks:
-100 mg test-e - twice per week [so 200 mg in total]
-6.25 mg exemestane - EOD
-1 mg finasteride - daily
you definitely do not need as high dosage of finasteride (if at all) in this plan and then again is better to go for PCT plan instead of this cruising.
During my cycle I will be working out exactly 6 times per week (PPL). I will also have a strict
sleep schedule and will limit alcohol or any other substance. For my diet, I will start tracking calories again,
that's all very good.
PCT (in case I decide not to blast/cruise):
12 weeks:
-clomid 25 mg ED
-exemestane 6.25 mg EOD
cialis(viagra) - 100mg x 100 (just in case for any reason)
12 weeks PCT plan is way too much. PCT is better than blasting and cruising in your situation, to my opinion and PCT starts 2 weeks after last pin of Test E.
PCT plan for your needs would be 4 weeks long and better go for Clomid and Nolvadex. 50 mg per day of Clomid for first 2 weeks and 25 mg per day for the last 2 weeks. 40 mg per day of Nolvadex for first 2 weeks and 20 mg per day for the last 2 weeks.
But dosages can be adjusted. It can go like:
Clomid 50/25/25/12.5 and Nolvadex 40/20/20/10 or
Clomid 50/50/25/12.5 and Nolvadex 20/20/20/20 etc. etc. there are numerous ways - is up to how you feel.
at your age you are unlikely to need cialis or viagra, but may have it handy if you want to. Exemestane only if you feel estrogen related issues.
Do I need PCT if I'm blasting and cruising?
no, you don't. PCT is started when all steroids are flushed out of your system.
Am I forgetting something or a medication that I need?
it seems like you add too much.
first cycle with test alone (then might go for stacks) with anti estrogens and maybe some supplements during and after cycle would be enough. Then go for PCT earlier mentioned.
-What is your opinion on this cycle? Be brutally and completely honest, I need the whole truth
guess i've said everything earlier.
It still sort of feels like I have no idea what I'm doing, even after all the research I've done,
so any nudge into the right direction will be super helpful and I'll be grateful forever.
I'm on roids for years and still have this feeling, lol.
I am just sharing my opinion, trying to keep you safe in the first place, then to go jacked.

Why you need it at all? just to look good? it's too much blasting and cruising. learn about steroids. go slowly on cycles and roids dosages. you will get a feeling what's working best specifically for you. before adding ANY medication/ drug/ steroid/ etc. etc. learn about it as much as possible. I bet you want to be HEALTHY AND JACKED rather than jacked only.
hope my 2 cents is helpful.

Well-known member
agreed with others. blast and cruising for 21 years old without experience on steroids is too much!


New member
at your age is unlikely, when everything is done properly - is unlikely either.
Thank you Mr.BiggyBill I’ve read your reply and the other replies in this thread. I feel like I should be paying you for consultation 😅

I have definitely changed my mind and am planning on doing a cycle and then PCT right after, but I plan on doing another cycle shortly thereafter (maybe different stacks, adjustments, etc).

For finasteride, well my dad has lost his hair, but I mainly have my mothers genes/hair and her father didn’t lose his hair at all so it’s like a 50/50. And yes I’ve read the side effects for it it’s mainly brain fog and ED. So I’ve decided to lower it from 1 mg every day to every 3 days only while on cycle then I’ll stop taking it. I just can’t risk losing my hair it’s a major part of my confidence.

NEW cycle after all info:
12 weeks-
-250 mg test-e twice per week
-aromasin 6.25 mg EOD or E3D depending on sides
-finasteride 1 mg E3D

Taper off last 2 weeks by 200/150/125/100

2 weeks after last dose
Lasts 4 weeks-
Clomid 50/25/25/12.5
Nolvadex 40/20/20/10
-aromasin when I feel side effects (maybe once per week)

I feel way more confident going in now, and will be buying my supplies and starting in June! Thank you so much for your help and guidance you legit saved me from blasting n cruising, will maybe save that for when I’m 35 years old+ but for now will stick to cycles and trying different stacks/adjustments.


Well-known member
but I plan on doing another cycle shortly thereafter
Actually, is recommended to wait to start another cycle for as long as you ran cycle for. Example - cycle 10 weeks long = wait 10 weeks to start another one. (Lots are asking me if PCT time is considered so, yes). Example - 10 weeks cycle, wait 2 weeks more to start PCT = 12 week + 4 weeks PCT = 16 weeks + wait 4 weeks more = 20 weeks. Start another cycle.
And yes I’ve read the side effects
If you are sure about it, assuming then risks when you’re aware of them - is up to you and ur needs.
Taper off last 2 weeks by 200/150/125/100
No need to taper off. That’s one of the reasons you go for PCT.
250 mg test-e twice per week
May go to 300 mg weekly to get more results.
for now will stick to cycles and trying different stacks/adjustments.
That’s actually safer. different adjustments acording to how you feel and what you need is always the safest way to go.
remember that PCT also can be adjusted (example, if you feel emotional - decrease PCT dosage, if you feel low test sides, increase PCT)