Once cycle is "complete"



Very interesting and thank you all.

To clarify I never meant to imply it's only mental. Just mostly. The old 'whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve' axiom is so true. The biggest problem though is the believing. Concieve...every kid can conceive of being famous. Every child can certainly achieve it. Every child and adult is capable of doing the necessary work. Very few truly believe it!

Why do you think in medicine that a placebo is so effective that in trials it often equals or surpasses the actual medicine? The mind believes, it creates to fit what it believes. The mind is a powerful tool!  The reason goals at so very very important? They help the mind believe. It's why written goals are more powerful that verbal. The mind believes what it writes more easily that what it only speaks.

Example Strongs well written reply. Notice the small steps moving belief steadily forward. I don't know the limits if we can truly take our thoughts and minds captive. Look how much of scripture deals with this fact, much like Semper Fi's statement above.

These things fascinate me and I truly thank you all for sharing your processes with me and us all! I have learned a lot.



Well-known member

Having the courage to push past the wall my mind creates is my key.... Why is it that more than 90% of marathon starters cross the finish line? They break though that invisible wall and then everything becomes easier. ;)






Its when I'm feeling beat up by training etc., when the mind wants to say phuck it. I push past the lazy mind with mind and grind forward. And, right now it's grind time, pushing through the next phase. No backing down now, its the final push. I have some brain fog, but it's in the fog where focus on the path ahead must become very acute lest I lose my way. I'm focused and driven, and beat up a bit. But, that's when the fight comes out, backed into a corner, time to start charging for a take down. Axe in one hand shield in the other. Eyes glowing deep blue. The wolf in hungry...
