

Well-known member

I actually picked some up for my next cycle! It will be the first time using it. I'm not sure if I should run it in the beginning or end. Read a lot of good things about it...



New member

I remember this discussion many moons ago on Provi, I personally love the stuff and like Mr.F would use it all the time, problem in UK its hard to get and the cost! It's about £1 per tab! I've managed to get a single box to use for old time sake...but more chance of England winning the World Cup (thats proper football lads), than getting a regular UK supply!



New member

proviron at 50mg has so many benefits, but it can be ran up to 200mg. Feel like nobody considers running it that high and I'm not sure why.





Although proviron has benefits, it also has side effects that can be unhealthy & Especially at 200mg. One side effect is the ability to increase cholesterol.... which can be dangerous. Man to man, I hope you’ve studied these compounds thoroughly & you have weighed advantage & risk. Another tip, although somethings can be done doesn’t mean they should & most definitely doesn’t mean it’s ok to post in an open forum where some knothead takes that as great advice & pays for it. See what I’m saying bro? We are accountable for what we put here that anyone regardless of their commensense or IQ can read & take as advise..... we guard that around here my friend :)

hope this enlightens you some & you make some better choices in what you post. 



New member

Mainly because most of us at MG have little to no interest in maxing out possible doses on any compound. More power to ya though bro. We have tons of newer members that are so ready to jump into the game they are looking for any info they can to start right up on a cycle. Having some dude that makes every post into a doseage competition is not only counterproductive, but also potentially dangerous and not appreciated at that. Just keep in mind that we’re not all as advanced as you must be. 




I negged ya only because you’re making a habit of giving poor and/or dangerous advice..... please see my advice to you below. Nothing personal, but hoping to get your attention & impart some wisdom to you.



New member

that's cool. in have taken 150mg and higher. I like proviron and use it often. maybe I should have said " this is what ive done". no offense taken.

everything I post is something I do or have done. wouldn't have posted it if I hadn't done it.



New member

Thanks. you guys are right , I need to spend time and make more clear what I mean. Absolutely proviron has sides. Like I said above,sorry for being to blunt and not taking into account a noobie reading my post and jumping on 200mg and jacking his lipids up. Thanks for the neg, ill take it on the chin and learn from it.



New member

point taken. 150mg wasn't aimed at non-advanced users. my bad for not considering the new user. Ill be more clear in the future.



Active member

Dolf said:
</p><p>Proviron is an excellent compound to add to any and every cycle. There are many many benefits with bp issues being about the only negative side. I haven't seen or heard any talk about this compound much lately. </p><p>Who here has ran it lately or in the past , and what were your experiences?</p><p>Who here is curious about it, and would like to know more about it?</p><p> </p><p>
</p><p>I love PROVIRON. Boost my libido dramatically and gives my body a distinct hardness.  I look better when I run it with my cycles. Supposedly free's up bound testosterone and works similar to  a mild anti E.</p>


Active member

I don't go extreme with my PROVIRON dosages either. Typically 25mg daily ON cycle and 12.5mg daily when I'm running TRT ranges.
