quad injection gone wrong?


New member

I've had some of the worst pain of my life insetting slow. Not pip, actual pain from going to slow. I'm more prone to hitting nerves with slow insertions. Not once, have I had any pain what's so ever since I started fast insertion. I don't have a scientific basis to support my claim, for that I apologize. You could be accurate in saying its psychological, or personal preference. Who knows, fast works great for me. 




I also just put itm in , im not throwing a dart but I get it in , same as shoulders , once  .  In tho it always feels super sensative , but.im fast insertion also




Insertion is personal preference. I dont have balls to just jam it in lol. 



New member

This couldn't be any more true!!!  Jab that fucker in there and it's almost always smooth and painless. I couldn't imagine going slow all that skin and muscle tissue popping as you do it would be very unsettling with me lol. 

Quad injections suck sometimes... bad!  



New member

I've learned over time which spots on my quad work best for me and stick with that area. I've experienced muscle & nerve spasms plenty of times in my quads and just stay away from those areas.  I also never inject a new batch or bottle into my quad, always my glute just in cause I have a bad reaction. Ive been crippled before by injecting new products into my quad and had a limp for several days. 




Very smart. I do that also with new batches just in case it ends up being crippling.
