Quick but possibly stupid question



Well Malt, It seems as SemperFi gave you my answer. I use Taurine and liquid orals to combat wicked pumps, Cramping. It sounds like you just trained them like a champ... Don't listen to the guy in the gym about genetics. Of course a lot of it is genetics but if you train hard and eat right you can grow any muscle group. If I listened to that guy i'd be a fat slob. Instead, I train hard and watch my diet...



New member

Myself I like doing sets of exercises where I have 3 plates on each side of bar (varying in weight of course) and I do 3 sets of 10 each time I complete a set of 10 I have my friend take a plate off each side until there is no weight on the bar then I do a set with just the bar until failure. Say for curls ill start with the bar at the top of the curl movement and have him pull down in it while I try and keep him from doing just that, and then when he succeeds he holds the bar at the bottom position and I try and curl it back up. If you guys are pump chasers like me this type of workout is unparalled especially if you have a good partner who tries to kick your ass in the gym. I use this method for bench and shoulders press.




X2.... Added taurine to a oral cycle and it worked fairly well.




X2 I pre exhaust before workouts and it helps keep the "pump" pain down.




Taurine helps me. I was reading an article about Clen. It depletes taurine in the liver as well as minerals. I Have been using Taurine since my fist painful pumps from Var. Its a constant learning game. I was a completely different man 4 years ago. I figured I'm 42 and still an animal and then Father time hit hard at 43. No choice but to tweak and keep moving forward...



New member

Just take it easy until you feel ur ready to blast it. You may be ready to kill them but that may be a bad judgement. Just take it easy for a few and you know when ur ready



New member

Just take it easy until you feel ur ready to blast it. You may be ready to kill them but that may be a bad judgement. Just take it easy for a few and you know when ur ready




With a partner you can go to failure and have them assist you and let you do the negative alone until you bit negative failure too. 
