Running The Rack Arm Pump Challenge


Moderator annoys me too, but not as much as the assholes that curl in the squat rack. 



  1. something that is usual, typical, or standard.
    "this system has been the norm in Germany for decades"
    synonyms:standardusualthe rule; More
    • a standard or pattern, especially of social behavior, that is typical or expected of a group.
      plural noun: norms
      "the norms of good behavior in the civil service"
      synonyms:conventionstandard; More
    • a required standard; a level to be complied with or reached.
      plural noun: norms
      "the 7% pay norm had been breached again"



nice dictionary card pulled, atleast you didnt

use urban dictionary lol :)


Big Nasty

New member

Sounds awesome. I will give this a go next arm day. Ive tried CT Fletchers 200 rep tricep challenge. Its brutal much the same as this and the pump is insane so Im looking forward to the bicep/tricep thrashing. 



Well-known member

Hey Blaster, Strong, & BN,


Did you guys ever run this?

CT's skull crusher challenge was sick as well. A lot of fun to see if you could get through the burn.




Big Nasty

New member

SF, I haven't and thanks for the reminder. My next arm day is Tues. Will post results then. 

No rest,,, holy shit thats going to suck on the way back up the rack... lol




I haven't tried it, but coming from CT it's going to be a bitch I bet. I ran the rack doing shrugs that is going from 100 down to 40, and back up again. That was intense. Seems when I want to run the rack doing the bi/trip routine, the benches are occupied. Suppose I could do the tris right on the rack itself, but that may be viewed as rude. I could say fuck em but then it just would be rude. At any rate, I'll look up the CT challenge and see if I can fit it in somewhere 


Big Nasty

New member

Just completed Running Rack Arm Challenge. What a fantastic pump and an absolute bitch to complete. My arms cold to pumped are as follows:  

Left Bicep: 18.00 to 18.5 in

Right Bicep 17.75 to 18.25

Pumped up a full half inch on each arm.

I made it down without the rack pretty well and feeling good, back up the rack was brutal. I started out with my 6 rep max of 65lb dumbbells all the way down to 5lb adding a rep to each after 50% of max rep weight. On the way back up the rack I died out at 50lb dumbbells and could no way in hell get 5 reps of 55, 60 or 65. It just wasn't happening unless I took a rest which I did not. Not resting at all between sets really made you have to dig hard to finish. I did finish the last 3 sets with 50lb dumbbells. I kept strict form. Maybe and thats a big maybe I could have got up to 65lbs again but it would have been a full cheat swing body movement as if I were doing kettlebell swings!!! LOL Arms were fully pumped and roasted at the end. I really like the entire biceps tricep burn. On arm day I typically burn one out first and then go to the other. This had both bis and tris screaming. My triceps were not as bad as my biceps. Next time I do this I may try it with regular body weight dips instead of bench dips and/or switch to bench dips when I can no longer get the required reps in regular dips. I have good tricep strength and endurance and can tolerate a much larger load then biceps. So thats my report, absolutely loved it and thanks for sharing SF. I love trying new methods and changing it up often. This is a great one to add to the log book. 




BN the bad mother fucker! Awesome! Did you do this at the end of a workout, or at the beginning? Wonder how your arms will feel tomorrow??


Big Nasty

New member

I did this at the very beginning to see exactly what it would do and measured directly afterwards. I finished up with some hammer curls and overhead tricep presses with LOTS of rest between sets. Yes my arms are fried and I full expect to be hurting tomorrow. I think this will be excellent to thrown in an arm workout every few weeks. Time under tension for damn near 20 mins.... lol 




Starting measurements

Left arm: 16 3/4

Right arm: 17

Ending measurements

Left arm: just shy of 18

Right arm: 19!? 

I started at 60 lbs and did 10 reps bench dips. When I hit 30 on the way down the rack I did 6 reps and increased by 1 rep until I hit 15, whereupon I did 8 reps. I did 10 reps on 10 lbs, a ripped out as many reps at 5 lbs as I could stand. On the way back up, form began breaking at 35lbs, so I had to do the rest-pause approach until I completed 5 reps. When I finally reach 60 lbs again, I did the 5 reps with shit form, but I did it. Reps started decreasing on the bench dips, and the last set I was able eek out 6 reps. It took just over 15 minutes to complete.




Because the results seemed a little weird last time I ran the rack, I did a retake to see if I would get a different result. Here is what the results are from RTR Round 2:

Started with 60 lbs dumbs.

Starting measurements in inches:

Left arm: 16 1/2

Right arm: 17

Ending measurements 

Left arm: 17 1/4

Right arm: 18

These results are much more accurate as I was more careful with the tape itself, and the location. Also, I held the tape at the final number so I could get a better look at it. I have shitty eye sight! Thankfully, everything else is working lol!

This is an awesome challenge, and I highly recommend it!
