Shocking the Muscle??


New member

Hey guys coming to you with another question but this is based solely on shocking the muscle. I've been doing some reading online and other forums about this but am getting mixed answers on it and am wondering what you all think. I've always wondered when its time to "shock" the muscle when it gets use to a routine but i also wonder If you could experience good growth from shocking it almost every time you work that muscle group. Say on chest day one week you do 4 sets of 10-15 reps with a moderate to light weight on all 3 bench (incline, flat, decline) but switch it up next week to a heavier weight and do 100 reps of flat dumbell bench going hard until failure everytime until you hit 100. Just keep messing with number of reps and weight each week while also switching exercises to always keep the body guessing, or if its better to get accustomed to a certain routine for a few weeks then switch it up to really shock it. I've heard mixed things on both and was really just wondering what you all do as far as when to switch a workout or if you never do the same thing more than a couple weeks. Appreciate any feedback I receive on this thread.



Well-known member

Great question little brother! And one you will get 1000 answers to. Just like your bicep question this is going to be a great thread of debate and many minds working at one time.

I believe in a solid mind muscle connection even when not actively training. For me personally if I am getting comfortable in a routine or melancholy it is time to throw in muscle confusion techniques. I have also read many conflicting studies on the subject but I cannot reference them at this time.

I mix up my routine several times per week and add "blind" training 2 out of the 6 days. Blind training requires a training partner and your partner provides the amount of weight without your knowledge. Example- If you are benching you have no idea if you are pressing 250 or 150 and vice versa in following sets. Each set provides me with a better mind/muscle connection. I do not recommend this routine until you have mastered the proper technique for each exercise.

Negatives to failure are something that many people do not utilize but may provide you with the benefit you are looking for.





I agree with SEmperFi. You will get different answers. I like to stick with a routine till I feel a plateau then "Shock" my routine. The brain is a big part of training and totally in connection to your muscles. If you do chest and your routine is Flat bench, incline, dumbbell flies and dips and you are feeling plateau then come in and start off with Pec deck, cables and then bench. I have just gone through a bunch of injuries and have no routine right now. I just started back with weights a week or so ago and my body is reacting nicely. Is that shock? i'd say Yes.  Again, with training it is very individualistic so we have to find what works for us.


Mister A


This one is very polarizing. But it'll be good to see all the answers.

Shocking the muscle has been around for decades. It's a great mental benefit to change your training up and do something different for a change. But trying to shock the muscle every workout kind of defeats the purpose. Your body will adapt to anything you do. If you do these shock type workouts every day then you're not bodybuilding anymore, you're doing Crossfit. 100 rep sets and such are very aerobic, but they're not ideal for anabolism. You're definitely going to gain endurance and strength through the CNS stimulation, but you will more than likely be burning muscle. The adaptation your body will undergo will provide you with a change in composition more than likely, but you'll eventually plateau in terms of muscle gain.

If doing these shock type workouts frequently was beneficial to muscle growth then we would see pro bodybuilders doing it.

The aim of your training for muscle growth has got to be fueled by progressive overload and time under tension. When you prioritize those two principles, and add in other principles like muscle confusion sporadically, you get the benefit of all of them without getting away from the essentials of muscular development.

I don't think I do this enough actually. I'm pretty set in my ways and I think it hinders me at times. But I do believe that if you work really hard at the basic things and you're consistent with it, for many years, you can't avoid growing.

I like to throw in some very heavy days with all my reps under 6. I like to do 10 sets of an exercise some days when I'm really feeling that one. I like to do giant sets of 3 or 4 exercises back to back some days. And then sometimes I'll throw strongman or plyometrics movements in. I'm not the most creative guy with my training. I focus more on optimizing movements, getting deeper stretches and harder contractions, improving the mind muscle connection and getting stronger on the most basic exercises.




Damn Mr. A , You sure are a well written/spoken man. I enjoy reading your posts. I can read and retain easily but have a hard time conveying what I learn to others.. Keep up the detailed posts, It helps me learn in many ways...



New member

you ever try pulses malt? It requires a partner on bench. But Ill take 6" foam block and hit 6 full reps and without stopping have your partner throw the block on you chest and bench from the block up for 6 more reps then have your partner put another block on top of the one that's there and do 6 more reps then finish with 6 more full range reps. It tends to really shock the hell outta you muscles. I've been doing this technique with everything i do 2xweek and seems to work for me. doing it with squats is fucking brutal bro. Best wishes brother. Hope it helps



New member
Hey brother I have never heard of these but I WI definitely incorporate them in my next chest workout. I've done something similar I believe with curls I believe they are called 21's I do 7 curls from mid to top range, then 7 mid curls starting from bottom going to mid curl then 7 full curls and I get a crazy pump this way if you hit a plateau with his I recommend giving this technique a go as it helped me get heavier weights with full sets of preachers and standing curls


New member

I do something similar to that with curls but the only difference is on the release i pulse it  up and down, not dramatically but just kinda bouncing on the way down. Like you said give you a mean ass pump. But you can almost feel the muscle ripping. In a good way not an injury way lol. Same with squats too. Do the bounce thing and you'll feel the shock of the musclE. I wouldn't recommend doing this with super heavy weight, maybe 60% of you max. Other wise you might end up injured or even worse..... Kilt dead lol. 




I love learning from all of you! :)

I switch it up anytime I start to get bored, which as someone with ADD can be on the daily.  I am always willing to try a new move here and there...whether it shocks the muscle or just shocks changes things up, keeps me motivated...etc.
Great post and love reading the various responses!

