

New member
Wassup guys I’m new to gear and all this but I wanted to lose some weight before actually hoping on a cycle. I heard T3 can help with some fat loss is what I need. My question is can I run T3 alone and would I need to PCT off of it ? What kind of dosage should be ran? I understand it varies on person but more less a good dosage to run. Thank y’all !


Well-known member
I wouldn't actually recommend T3 to a beginner and not to someone who has not been dieting and working out consistently for the last months or even year. T3 is a great compound to lose the last little digits of fat among those who want to compete. Before you actually use it, I would recommend checking your natural T3/T4 levels. If you do use it, you should be aware that it can suppress your T3 levels just like steroids suppress Testosterone and there's no PCT for it, except for natural compounds for T3 PCT, but as you can guess, they are not as effective. So you have to go for the slow withdrawal method. moreover, to avoid permanent damage/too much suppression of natural T3, you should not use it for longer than 8 weeks.
dosage-wise - it starts at about 25 mcg/day and can go up to 50-75-100 mcg/day or even 125 mcg/day for a man. then slowly back down (withdraw). but again, i wouldn't recommend it.


Well-known member
like hgh.to said i dont recommend it but if hell bent on using it use what hgh.to said. get bloods.


Listen, research this before you use anything. Your body makes 25mcg of t3 so don't waste your time at that dose.

T3 is a forgiving compound especially when compared to t4 but you will have a period of time where production is lower after you stop.
Get everything else right; diet, training, cardio etc and see where you are. T3 obviously is gonna speed up your metabolism. So i always run gear with it. Don't bother wasting your time ramping it up and down..start at 50mcg a day. Stay there. Assess how it's working, sides etc. Jump your protein up... But please do your research. What works for one person might not work for another. Back in the day we ran bulk cycle, cut cycle bulk cycle contest. The key is never letting yourself go over say 12% bodyfat so you never have to diet that hard for that long and if you need a little help, you have Done the research and prepared for both the side effects and the lag time after.
Best wishes


New member
I appreciate you all! My diet has been pretty decent & training and cardio have been there I just have stubborn abdominal fat that I can’t seem to look and I’m not sure why. That’s why I was looking at T3 unless would be there another alternate I could use just for a beginner? @HGH.to

bobby ricky

Well-known member
I appreciate you all! My diet has been pretty decent & training and cardio have been there I just have stubborn abdominal fat that I can’t seem to look and I’m not sure why. That’s why I was looking at T3 unless would be there another alternate I could use just for a beginner? @HGH.to
I’m in a cut because of the season and trust me u can’t spot reduce body fat. The last place for it to come off is the place it started in the first place. Just be hungry as much as you can and it will disappear my brother. Just be hungry and get used to your stomach taking to u. I personally don’t rely on drugs to put weight on or take it off because that’s what food is for. The great guy’s here have taught me to rely less on drugs and more on my diet and training.

You should be training like a beast to the point of total failure when you leave the gym.


Hey. Listen. Figure out how many calories you need to eat to maintain your current bodyweight. Then find out your current body fat level. Whatever your LBM or lean body mass is multiply that number by 1.5 that's your protein intake. Multiply that by 4. That's how many calories a day your getting from protein. Subtract that number from the total number of calories you eat a day to maintain your current bodyweight. Your protein stays constant until your LBM goes up. From the rest of your calories drop 250cal to start and add 250 a day of extra exercise. That leads to a 500 calories a day deficit which over the course of the week leads to 1lb of fat loss a week. Drop it nice and slow. You do it like that so you don't have to starve and don't lose any muscle. When you get stuck and stop dropping weight come back on. That's the basics for fat loss

bobby ricky

Well-known member
Hey. Listen. Figure out how many calories you need to eat to maintain your current bodyweight. Then find out your current body fat level. Whatever your LBM or lean body mass is multiply that number by 1.5 that's your protein intake. Multiply that by 4. That's how many calories a day your getting from protein. Subtract that number from the total number of calories you eat a day to maintain your current bodyweight. Your protein stays constant until your LBM goes up. From the rest of your calories drop 250cal to start and add 250 a day of extra exercise. That leads to a 500 calories a day deficit which over the course of the week leads to 1lb of fat loss a week. Drop it nice and slow. You do it like that so you don't have to starve and don't lose any muscle. When you get stuck and stop dropping weight come back on. That's the basics for fat loss
One lb per week? Wow that sounds very very slow. How about 3 lbs per week? Starve ? Who said anything about starvation? I’ve never lost muscle while dieting just fat.


If you can drop 3lbs a week and not lose any muscle God bless ya. The most I've ever been able to drop was 2lbs a week for about 6wks with no muscle loss . That was when I was really heavy. Good luck to you