Test and Deca - 3rd Cycle - Questions for the gurus


Well-known member
So this is 3rd cycle.

Male 5' 10" right at 195-200 ususally and roughly 15% bf.

I'm looking at doing a 12 week cycle @ the following :

  1. Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp 600mg per week done in 2 pins
  2. Weeks 1-10 Deca 400mg per week done in 2 pins
  3. Weeks 1-12 Arimidex 0.25mg EOD

  1. Weeks 13-14 HCG 500iu EOD
  2. Weeks 13-14 Arimidex 0.25 EOD
  3. Weeks 15-18 Nolva 40mg first 2 weeks ED and then 20mg last 2 weeks ED
Now I've always seen and been told that Aromasin goes best with HCG and the Nolva. I can't get my hands on Aromasin. So I was thinking of doing the HCG with the Arimidex and NOT doing Nolva with the 2. However, after those 2 weeks then I would move into my Nolva.

What do you guys think?

I've put some time into thinking this through and reading up on info since last time which was a few years ago.

Any and all help is MUCH appreciated.


Well-known member
Hello, it does seems like you are experienced and know what you're doing , let's break it through
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex 0.25mg EOD
I guess you know that Arimidex should be used only when needed. Since you're in your third cycle you may know that this plan is good. Still, decrease dosage if estrogen is too low and increase it if estrogen is too high and dosage not enough. I guess you know it very well
Weeks 13-14 HCG 500iu EOD
Sounds good but watch out for the estrogen possible issues. I realize that's why you continue running arimidex
Weeks 15-18 Nolva 40mg first 2 weeks ED and then 20mg last 2 weeks ED
are you sure that's enough as a PCT? Clomid may be needed too. But again, only add it if actually needed.
Now I've always seen and been told that Aromasin goes best with HCG and the Nolva.
yeah that's true and is an overall better AI for PCT specifically
I can't get my hands on Aromasin.
why? checking sources around you're surely going to get it.
So I was thinking of doing the HCG with the Arimidex and NOT doing Nolva with the 2. However, after those 2 weeks then I would move into my Nolva.
sounds good! considering you end cycle at week 12 and start PCT at week 15.
I've put some time into thinking this through and reading up on info since last time which was a few years ago.
is easy to see you've been reading about it and it does seems you've done a good homework!


Well-known member
You actually can go for Arimidex, HCG and Nolvadex all together. But in your case, you go for HCG and Arimidex to control estrogen. Nolva later to boost test production. All in all, it seems your plan is good.
I agree with HGH btw