This is my life style.

I live for this lifestyle! I can't begin to say how happy I am to be a part of somthing great. Ther is nothing like dailing in your diet, gear and workouts to acheive what you want. I have been in a gym since 15 years old, now 47 I still have the body of a jacked 25 year old. I never wanted to look like an old fuck so I did something about. I take pride in this! Thank all of you for maintaining a place we can trade information to become a fucking beast!
Thanks for the welcomes! I have used gear on and off since I was 20 years old. I just turned 47 and have been cruising on a 300mg of Test E since the middle of April. My last cycle lasted 16 weeks. It consisted of 50mg ed of dbol for the first 50 days, 900mg of test e aweek, 600mg of tren e, and 600mg of deca. I used caber and aromasin with it. Great fucking results. I had been out of the gym for a year and a half before that due to an injury. So thid cycle got me back right to say the least. I am going to start a Test E, Tren E, Mast E cycle asap. I was curious to know is it is better to keep the Test low and keep the Tren and Mast E. I'm just ready to BLAST!


Well-known member
With those steroids mentioned, is no wonder that you got such amazing results!
Test + Tren + Mast sounds as if you want to get the muscle definition back.
If you want to stay away from aromatization you can keep low Test. If you want to try adding some muscles - keep it higher with some AI handy. But it does seem like you do know very well what you're doing! keep up the good work man!