This is the shits man...


New member

So almost a full week into my cycle! It's awesome! Feelin good, feelin great!!! The ED pin seems to be well and I started pining quads! I ACTUALLY PREFER IT! No-minimal pain (found out a bent leg hurts a bit so I started having it relaxed on my bed before I pin) there is some "stick" to it where it pulls up a bit, but honestly it feels DAMN GOOD! I also like knowing I can hit the spot every time..... also did my inbody test at the nutrishop here and went from averaging a .1% BF decrease to ALREADY .5% drop!!! So my clean diet and this fast acting ester/proper training is proving this goal of sub 12-3% BF is very doable! 




so.... I have noticed about two days ago... I basically poop pellets.... and my meal plan hasn't changed (I was eating the same before cycle started). i don't think I remember that happening my last two cycles, but just curious if this is common to not pass often if at all for a day or so because your body is just absorving and metabolizing everything at a faster rate? 


i know I could have also googled this.... but honestly... I just wanted to write a shitty post. :D




2 things: drinking enough water? Might need to add some ground flax seeds to one meal once or twice a week to make sure that you're getting enough fiber. Or, if your carbs are coming from white rice, use brown rice, and sweet potatoes as carb source here and there. Don't think gear is going to make you shit pellets. 



Well-known member

Are you taking a probiotic and an enzyme like protease? If not seriously consider it.

Consider adding a great fiber source such as prunes or dates to assist digestion. A little goes a long ways.




New member

I did notice two little bumps starting to form on the back of my head and have been having this craving to munch on cans and hay..... 



New member

Probably not enough fiber. Only have the white rice for now and could uo my H2O intake and see if that works. 




Add some green leafy veggies to your diet like spinach and broccoli. Drink lots of water. 

Are you using an ai?



New member

I can do that. I hadn't accounted that in and just relied on my multi-vitamin for the micronutrients. I'll step up my bunny game and get the greens in. I am using an AI. 




Not saying this is the case, but if your e2 is too low that causes you to piss more than you drink which in turn fucks up your expelling. There's other signs to low e2 such as achy joints, lower abdomen pressure, acne, fatigue, sleeping too much, strong erection, but loss of sensitivity, loss of erections, and libido.

What compounds are you running, how long, and how much ai and how often? 



New member

No acne, actually sleeping a little less than usual (7-8 hours rather than 9) and feeling pretty great! No joint pain, abs only hurt after intense training the next day, libido is going up up and uppppp and the fiancé seems to be enjoying that. strong erections but balls starting to shrink a bit it seems (so I'll start the HCG therapy soon). As of now only the 50mg of Test Prop ED and .5g of Arimidex. That's all I'll be running. Decided not to use the NPP and just really feel how my body reacts to a 3rd Test only cycle. I'll save my NPP for next year.



New member

Not that I'm aware of. I've never had sides before because I took precautinary measures, I think I just haven't been drinking enough water for how i should be while on cycle because I'm hittin the gym wayyyy harder. I've only been on a week. 


In my last two cycles I never had any nipple sensitivity or anything like that. Broke out on my back slightly but not to big a deal.



New member

Is that dosage for adex too high? I used to do 1mg EOD on my last cycles but figured since I'm on an ED pin I might as well keep everything consistent and do an ED dosage for my AI



Well-known member

I am of the view that "less is more". You need to learn your bodies reaction, learn from the experience and always use the least amount to achieve the desired results. Most will recommend .5mg E3D as a starting point.





organic India psyllium husk 5 grams a day buy it and it will change your life I guarantee it,not to sound cynacle but man when I give advice like that it really makes me bang my head against the wall knowing 99% of the time Op I not going to use this,advice I'm giving wheN it is guaranteed gonna fix your problem. just go on Amazon order it for 12$ take it for 2 weeks and report back the results if you do you will restore my faith in. Humanity on this site 




fiber when you eat a bodybuilding diet or a high protein carb diet a lot of the food is not digested ppsyllium husk when consumed absorbs water IN your Intestinal tract and as it moves through it removes all the toxins and rotten food and fecal matter stuck in there and you will begin pooping regular stools on top of lowering your cholesterol also helps stop acne it even removea fat from food you have eaten before it digested and put into your blood steam just google health benefits of psyllium husk organic just google dr.mercola or


palumbo but just research and



into action bro the advice

from above is neat but this tidbit will solve your





what I just advised you has worked for me and multiple

people from first hand experience not just something I read everyone that has tried has benefited from it tremdously and these I people I see in real life not just on a forum

I read somewhere 
