Training tips GENERALIZATIONS while on-cycle


New member

Howdy Gents-

So I have been reading all over this forum, and the training-related information has been incredibly helpful. I’ve been able to find the answers to my more specific questions, but I wanted to ask y’all‘s very GENERAL advice about what is different about training during a cycle. Since I know we could all go on for days about our specific preferences, but I’m more wondering about blanket-statement type of advice that would apply to anyone when they go on AAS. Thank you all so much for your wisdom and willingness to share it with me.

possibly Useful information: My first cycle will be straight test; 500 mg per week in a split dose (I.e. Monday and Wednesday). From what I’ve read, it also seems imperative to have Arimidex on hand in the event that I start experiencing some gyno-related symptoms. I’ll post more about my cycle , AI’s and PCT in the appropriate forum.



Well-known member

Nothing less than 100% effort at all times. My mindset when I step into the gym is failure PLUS one more rep. I can always do more. I can always add intensity. I can NEVER fail.

For me I am playing a game against my mind. I can either let my thoughts control me or I can control my thoughts.

We are marvelous beasts and we underestimate our true abilities most of the time.... kick that to the curb and tear shit up!


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This is the only way..... I've been hammering Tool during workouts and 1 of my favorite lines in a song is "I separate my body from my mind"

Weather on cycle or off cycle... Tear shit up with a controlled intensity... Preserve nothing for the next set.............


Big Nasty

New member

Agree with what has already been said, 100% no matter what with the exception of planned periodization and giving your body a break, changing routines, etc both on and off cycle. Really the only difference I see from my own experience is that when on cycle you will not be as sore and recover quicker, when Im off cycle I get sore again but I still keep the same intensity, sets, reps, volume, and weight. You will lose some strength and some of your muscle size gains however each cycle done properly you will maintain size and strength past where you were before which is the goal. Just expect a little loss as its inevitable. However if you do not maintain your diet and routine, sleep etc. you could lose all of what you gained. Biggest mistake I see people do is not keep up the intensity and and diet post cycle because they dont feel like they are "on" which is true but all the more reason to push your limits always to sustain as much as possible and crush goals. For example I have made significant gains on and off cycle. Its more time intensive off cycle no doubt but gains nonetheless... 




Well, it’s all been said in more ways than one. For me, on and off are no different. Constantly improving from rep to rep, set to set, day to day etc. I made the mistake thinking that once the cycle was done, I was done. Nope. Gottta stay consistent. It never ends. Deload when needed, but unload, never. There’s always a target



Well-known member

Tool is definitely one of my favorites.... They are an acquired taste and addicting. ;)

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Those are the right answers. I try to live by those standards. Here is my more common reality.

On cycle I eat better. Truth is the cost of cheating isn't worth it but off cycle I am more willing to cheat and thus eat worse (for example had ice cream twice this weekend and drinks Saturday night at a party ).  On cycle I push harder in the gym and more often. I will lift six days a week vs four and they are more intense. I have a little more energy but the reality is I do it because I have fewer injuries.

My joints just suffer more tendon damage off cycle than on and that limits me some.

Best advice, best goal. Find the perfect workout and diet on cycle, and stick to that off cycle.



New member

It really sounds like you guys are all on board with 100% intensity, and working just as hard on-and-off cycle. i fuckin LOVE this forum!



New member

You'll be able to train harder because your muscle will get stronger but your tendons lag behind you're still a young man but injuries can happen and they can at the very least ruin your cycle.  There are some great youtube videos on how to avoid injuries particularly on your shoulder joints.  Take care of them and they will take care of you.  
