Tren 150 (TriTren)


New member

do you ever look back on this post and say WTF? I think those problems run deeper than steroids dude. If you are that much on the edge, maybe you should consider giving up your weapons. Good luck..





all the time and no the problems why my dick didnt work were deca , and not having a propper ai and not having a da and not having any education.what so ever on aas.  .... and if you dont think hormones can take you there you need serious rethink ..also its a expression i do have many weapons , and did i feel like sticking it in my mouth fuck ya.   ....did i  no 

have your wife suck your dick and it not get  aroused or your wife    why i wasting my time bud i did 25 inside ok.  and im the strongest head strong person i know.  it didnt bother because i didnt let it.   

so i rethink this all the time and nothing has changed.  

and dont worry about my weapons 




oh and im not a closet negger.  i negged you , next time look at time of post and look at now.  im.passing the word its been 3 years.   .




To start, I am rather taken aback at your statement to our brother Siegmund.  If you spend any time, which from what I can tell this the only thing you have posted in the two years lurking around, you would see and understand that Sieg is a well respected member and is more willing than most to be honest, and in his honestly he helps others see what might happen if one decides to run a compound.  If you took the time to get to know him, you'll see that he has in fact already been through hell and back, and has lived to tell the tale, and in so doing has become a stand up brother both here in his own life.  You would also find that he writes in a much more vivid, poetic fashion, and very expressive.  He pulls no punches and tells it like it is.  We all have issues, I'm sure that you have issues as well, perhaps some you would rather not make public, even if it would save someone from making a grave mistake. Sieg could give two shits what others may think, he tells it like it is from his perspective, and because he is so willing, others benefit.  He saw how Deca fucked with him, had some self awareness, made some changes and won't go down the Deca road again. Cool.  It is apparent that you completely missed the point of his post, and instead jumped to some conclusion about his personality after reading this one post.  Nice job.  

Making a proper introduction might be a good idea before jumping in on a discussion and make a sweeping statement about our brother. Over and out, Dude.




If you havent messed with 19 nors. Stay away from tri tren do tren ace that waY if you dont react good to it you can get off quick. Tren is very strong. I personally dont think mixing different tren ester (like tri-tren) is the best idea unless you have  pretty good experience with 19-nors. Why not try NPP first see what that does for you. 

   And as for  brother siegmund you cant find a vetter person, someone with great experiencein this game .  The guy is full of great knowledge and always willing to help.  I dont believe him to be a closet negger. If he negs you, he will let you know about it. 

  I wish you luck with your choice on what to use.  But since you never use any 19nors. Id do some looking in to NPP. But definitely try tren ace first before you use tri-tren. Just my opinion.




So let me get this're a guy who nobody knows that lurks around in the dark like a fucking cock roach, and to my memory has never posted one single bit of useful information is gonna talk shit to a mod who is a well respected member who will give the shirt off his back to help anyone? I could tell you to go fuck yourself or choke on a dick, and ban your ass, but I'm not. What I will say is you should read the book before judging the cover! 
