Trt info


Well-known member
No homo is the story of my life 😂🤣.I spend most of my time looking at half naked men on the Internet.
And would I have listened... well I did brother.
I came here with no experience looking to run a anavar only cycle. They called me an idiot and told me what to do... and I did it.

Trust me I'm not judging you, I only wish I could have helped sooner.
Luckily you will most likely recover from this.

Now when does it end... never... body dismorphia is a very real thing.
When I was 137lb I just wanted to be 170. When I was 170 I just wanted 180. Then I said 195-200 is my max... well I'm 192 right now and I'm not happy... so 215 is my goal!
But I'm going for aesthetics and symmetry... and enough size to be impressive... imposing.

And I'm not telling you to quit... I'm telling you to be smarter and safer!
Stick around... we all help one another... hell I've been pushing myself harder because of another member here. @Lee.the.Human
Because we're so close in height, weight, physical appearance... it's like a friendly competition.
Any time I don't feel like lifting... I think of Lee and his beautiful fuckin lats... and how bad I want that!
Then I grab the weights and have my way with them!
I really think you'll fit right in brother.
We all just want to better ourselves and have some fun.

(I'm truly fuckin sorry you're first experience was so bad here... I'm truly upset because of it. Even talked to my girl about it.
Stick around and see just how fucking awesome this place can be... we have so much more to share)

Also... post some pics!!
There might be a easier way.... but for mine to load I have to send the pictures to myself on Facebook messenger and then save them. That compresses them enough to post here.
Some people can just screenshot, but that doesn't work for me. Others email themselves the pictures and then save to phone from there.

5'8 191... I bet you look solid as fuck!
I bet you bench way more than me!!
A couple of points;

Gainz, stop saying nice things about me, I'm not used to it.

Secondly, my goal is to get buff enough that I can attract a lady of a similar calibre to your fiance. You blessed cunt you. I want what you have, figuratively. Unless you die prematurely, then am on a plane G.

Fourthly, if any of you dickbags are using Android phones you can resize pictures in your gallery. Hit the picture of a crayon to edit, then go to bottom right button and there will be an option to resize it or save it as a copy. You're wee come.

Sorry you didn't feel welcome here before l, don't know if I was part of that. I'd strongly recommend taking photos of yourself at least once a week. It helps in a lot of ways. Uploading is optional but I find its something that drives me, putting the pics out but I a place where ppl appreciate the effort more than the result. I also rely on these guys to gauge development cause I literally cannot see a change in me over the last 6 months.


Ive womdered that same thing but im caucasian so bein hung like a bull field mouse its sadly pretty negligible.

Ive actually seen video clips of guys tyin strings to their shit n liftin little weights for their cocks.
Lol, im gonna b honest i have more then once not inly considered that but wondere if it really does anything


And i am feelin more welcome here now. Before no but now yeah- i dont know y that is maybe u gyys wanna see whos serious m whis in a phase but any way ya dice it the whole atmosphere is different now thanx for kettin me b here.


Well-known member
A couple of points;

Gainz, stop saying nice things about me, I'm not used to it.

Secondly, my goal is to get buff enough that I can attract a lady of a similar calibre to your fiance. You blessed cunt you. I want what you have, figuratively. Unless you die prematurely, then am on a plane G.

Fourthly, if any of you dickbags are using Android phones you can resize pictures in your gallery. Hit the picture of a crayon to edit, then go to bottom right button and there will be an option to resize it or save it as a copy. You're wee come.

Sorry you didn't feel welcome here before l, don't know if I was part of that. I'd strongly recommend taking photos of yourself at least once a week. It helps in a lot of ways. Uploading is optional but I find its something that drives me, putting the pics out but I a place where ppl appreciate the effort more than the result. I also rely on these guys to gauge development cause I literally cannot see a change in me over the last 6 months.
A few things.. I'll always say nice things about you... you are my boy!
Now... as badly as I want you to find that incredible woman... I don't know if that's a compliment or a threat? 🤣😂🤣😂
I showed that to my girl and she is fuckin dying 🤣😂. She said... well a few things... that I better keep treating her right, now that she knows she has options 😁. She's definitely flattered... she said she wishes she had a sister for you. But unfortunately only brothers. She also said to be patient and keep being your true self... we went through hell before we met one another. That we both had to experience how bad life can be, so now that we're together we can appreciate how great we really have it.

But if I do die... if id want anyone to take care of my girl... id be honored if it was you. But fair warning... you better fucking bring it... because I put in work and she's a bit of a size queen... (And by a bit I mean completely)


Well-known member
And i am feelin more welcome here now. Before no but now yeah- i dont know y that is maybe u gyys wanna see whos serious m whis in a phase but any way ya dice it the whole atmosphere is different now thanx for kettin me b here.

Well about a year ago we had a few active members who... liked to cause problems. And call people names... he was a decent guy when you got to know him... but he was definitely a lot for newer members
Well about a year ago we had a few active members who... liked to cause problems. And call people names... he was a decent guy when you got to know him... but he was definitely a lot for newer members
I swear every forum has at least one of those guys. has like 10 of those guys, that forum is toxic AF. I'm glad I stumbled into muscle gurus and appreciate the vibes, advice, and content.


I hope it wasnt me that was callin names i can say if it was it was only because i felt under attack.
No matter im becoming more civilized.
Hey two wuestions can your neck get thicker when ur in gear?
And if i have to miss the gym for a week to do a class for my union will it cause alotta loss in gains? I go teice day and have been for months i cant remember last time i took a day off.
I panic and get all anxious n shit when i dont go so i just keep goin


Well-known member
I hope it wasnt me that was callin names i can say if it was it was only because i felt under attack.
No matter im becoming more civilized.
Hey two wuestions can your neck get thicker when ur in gear?
And if i have to miss the gym for a week to do a class for my union will it cause alotta loss in gains? I go teice day and have been for months i cant remember last time i took a day off.
I panic and get all anxious n shit when i dont go so i just keep goin
Yes gear absolutely makes your neck thicker.
And taking a week off from time to time is a good thing!!!
When you come back after that week you're going to notice a huge increase in strength.
You won't lose anything... at all!
You'll only gain strength


Yeah man i sure hope so dude.
I know i been overtraining im constantly just muscle fatigued lol- the other day it looked like i was flexin my shoulder muscle in the gym but it was spasming i onow the chikk next to me saw it it never did that before it was weird it disnt hurt it was just like bein weird n twitchy n shit lol,
Thanx again always appreciated


Well-known member
Yeah man i sure hope so dude.
I know i been overtraining im constantly just muscle fatigued lol- the other day it looked like i was flexin my shoulder muscle in the gym but it was spasming i onow the chikk next to me saw it it never did that before it was weird it disnt hurt it was just like bein weird n twitchy n shit lol,
Thanx again always appreciated

Keep a eye on your sodium and potassium intake. Not enough of each can cause spasms... then cramps!!
Trust me... the cramps suck!


Well-known member
Yeah man i sure hope so dude.
I know i been overtraining im constantly just muscle fatigued lol- the other day it looked like i was flexin my shoulder muscle in the gym but it was spasming i onow the chikk next to me saw it it never did that before it was weird it disnt hurt it was just like bein weird n twitchy n shit lol,
Thanx again always appreciated
you look great my man the bicep chest tie in looks awesome keep up the great work brother.


Well-known member
Hey have any u used dianabol before?
Im wantin to know if anyone ever seen results from using it

All steroids work... (As long as they are real)
You'll see almost instant strength gainz, probably some water retention and notice a size increase.
But without training and diet... it's pointless.
Keep pushing yourself in the gym, stick to a decent surplus in calories and protein.
Drink a gallon of water per day.
While on orals water is extremely important!
200mg of milk thistle for liver support.
Try 40-60mg per day (split the dose between morning and evening) and don't run longer than 5 weeks.


Right thats y i went with it it puts mass on fast but i think its gonna give me results i want from it dependent on the dose n ffequency. Not tryin to just look fat n bloated full of water so im gonna keep takin smaller amout twice day.


Well-known member
Right thats y i went with it it puts mass on fast but i think its gonna give me results i want from it dependent on the dose n ffequency. Not tryin to just look fat n bloated full of water so im gonna keep takin smaller amout twice day.

The higher body fat percentage you are, the more likely that is to happen... well... kinda.
Dbol alone doesn't make you a puffy red faced powerlifter. Eating like a powerlifter and letting your est go high does.

But if you're lean... you might just have a small amount of water retention.


No dude im below 10 percent body fat. But not so sure what eating like a powerlifter is….
Im not that strong- i have 17 inch arms, im 190 5 8 but name of the game there gainz isnt to get all musclebound where i cant wipe my ass its lean some mass apportioned throughout ya know but its hard for my body to put on muscle so i went w diana. My shoulders have gotten pretty meaty n my traps r startin to look like camel humps between my neck n shoulders so thos shit does work.
I will b on a much higher protein diet here next few days.
Dude is there only a few people on this site?
Because u unclem and the human guy r the only ines that i ever get responses from , lol


Well-known member
Well mass moves mass... so powerlifters don't usually care for aesthetics like some of us. They want body fat and muscle. Plus having a bunch of estrogen makes you stronger. Hence the bloated red face.
I'm in the same boat as you... aesthetics over everything!
And this forum is... kinda seasonal. There's some die hards on here, but for the most part it's busier during bulking and cutting season.
A few months back this place was cracking! Id wake up to 30-40 notifications. Now it's 3-6.
We also have newer members who don't have a lot of experience so they stay in their own threads asking questions. I'm sure as we get closer to December it will pick up again.
And I know your stats brother... I try to answer generally so when others read it they will understand.