TRT or Cruise.


New member

Anybody ever run Mast while cruiseing. I have two pins left and I go on cruise or TRT as some call it. I am prescribed 200 mgs a week but I think this time I will only run 125. Was wondering what kind of dose of Mast would be appropriate. I am also fat as fck right now and intend to dial in my diet and add some cardio before my next blast. I feel great and am strong but pretty damn pudgy.




Coalman if your bf% is not at 12% or less then mast will be a waste. Mast doesn't help weight loss it just dries, hardens, and draws the skin tight around the muscle which is why you only see it shine at lower bf%. 




Glad I asked. I wonder if there are any compounds that might be fun without raiseing my hemocrit much. I probably need a break from Proviron which is why I chose Mast. Thanks for your reply Dolf. Maybe I will raid the wifes Clen stash.




Mostly what I see guys run is therapeutic doses of npp or deca and proviron. A lot of guys will run peptides while cruising.



Well-known member

To prevent any future confusion I believe we need to mention that cruising is not TRT and vice versa.

TRT is a medical treatment for individual diagnosed with low T. Low T is a medical condition that requires proper medical care with a unique treatment protocol for each individual. Cruising is a personal choice made by the individual to supplement with lower dosed AAS between cycles.





While I agree and have been on TRT for years I still run cycles like a lot of guys. I blast and cruise.




sometimes cruise = TRT, sometimes cruise = a lighter cycle




Well-known member

Disagree with you on this one Burr.. 

There is no such thing as a TRT cruise because it is a medical requirement for an individual who is T deficient to maintain "normal" hormone levels.

My OCD mind is most likely making a big deal over nothing. 





Nothing to worry about I had a Doc prescribe it years ago. Just wondering what other compounds people might run during there cruise period. Thought I might try something other than Proviron just for fun. Odds are great that most guys on these forums cheat on there TRT.



Well-known member

coalman said:
</p><p>Odds are great that most guys on these forums cheat on there TRT.</p><p>
</p><p>Are you accusing us of something?! ;) LOL.</p><p>Sorry to distract from the original purpose of the thread. </p><p> </p>



A few months of blasting and cruise and you create your own case of ASIH.  Thus a steroid  indused hypogonadism 



New member

When I just want to throw something else in for a little extra "umph"; I like to run some T-Bol with my test.  Gives me good extra strength and a really nice pump and doesn't mess with my blood levels too badly.  Just my 2 cents....




Hadnt thought on that one but I do have some. Thanks for the reply.



Well-known member

How many gym rats and/or competing athletes do you know that cruise in the 100mg-200mg/wk replacement dose range? All that I know are above 300mg/wk and a few even at or above 500mg/wk.

I could go in the specific reasons that someone will cruise but I think it would be over reiterating my point. Which I am certain I have already done but this is something that I am passionate about..... beating this dead horse sick. ;) 

An unrecoverable ASIH with require TRT treatment to correct. Most cruising doses exceed replacement doses and can not be considered TRT.

Abusing the term "TRT" does nothing but hinder the progress that is being made against an already unaccepting medical system. There are literally millions of men just in the US alone who need this treatment and cannot attain it because of the perpetuating myths of supplemental steroid use.




New member

Are you adding something for fun, or are you trying to add something to lose fat?  Honestly if youre trying to lose fat, think less about drugs and more about diet.  Throwing good money after bad if you dont fix the diet first.

Personally, I would use your TRT/cruise to get your body back to baseline (rbc, hematocrit, hdl, etc....) before blasting or adding anything.  Test is enough when diet and training are strict.  Just my .02




That 2 cents is priceless Sensi. Carb cycling works wonders, did for me so far, it isn't a walk in the park, but well worth the effort




We do not just throw compounds in for fun. A cycle should be planned. Compounds chosen based on the effects they will have on the body in support of the goal of the chosen cycle. So choose compounds based on your goal, not for fun. In addition, Not all compounds work together synergistically to produce desired effects. So knowing about the compounds is a necessity. After careful planning, you train and eat according to your goal.
